Search results

  1. balaji2u

    Salary for blog writing

    my friend has joined as a blog writer in a famous website(Pls dont ask the name -its a kind request) which is getting 250K views per month.we officially chatted with the officials of the site and they said to me that "The samples you send to us are good and we give you some more practice and we...
  2. balaji2u

    Paypal Account Usage-Urgent please

    Please tell that can someone able to transfer me money through paypal even if have an account which is not verified with a credit or debit card number. can i able to draw it any bank of my wish? or just able to do online transactions with some other having paypal account or can't able to do...
  3. balaji2u

    Review Please

    I renewed my sites look and always trying to switch the themes which i find sexy. now please review my site and let me tell that can i stick with this skin or not!! And also review this site too.
  4. balaji2u

    Use of this command in cron job

    Im analysing a script thats used for cron job and i get a clear view about it. but the author of the script provided a unix command to make an automatic execution of the script.i know this can be down using the standard cron job manager in cpanel. but i want to know the individual use of the...
  5. balaji2u

    FTP modes (ASCII Vs Binary)

    Am pointing some of the faimiliar differences between the ASCII and Binary transfer modes in FTP. Both transfer methods will transfer bit by bit. However, ASCII mode transfers also convert characters between systems (and sometimes just delete them) however, binary file transfers are just...
  6. balaji2u

    Link Builders Day

    I got an idea its in every X10'ers effort to make this a success. If EveryBody Be Genuine and Spend just 5 or 10 mins this will be a SuperDuper Hit We know there are many and many people in X10 forums having their website trying to exchange links and lift up their site hardly. my idea is to set...
  7. balaji2u

    Your Prediction About This Picture?

    What do you think about this incident will these guys have the chance to escape or not?
  8. balaji2u

    Increased Disk Space?

    I received a newslatter from X10 regarding increase in space and bandwidth for free today morning when i was uploading via a FTP client i noticed the disk space available in the status bar as 747MB.Now im asking is the space limit is increased to 800MB from 300MB? is there any...
  9. balaji2u

    Submit your articles

    I think i dont want to explain about articles submission and the benefits of it all X10'ers are aware of it. I get my new domain name (Credits goes to winter) Now can you take some time to submit articles in my site and put your links there and i don't hesitate to show...
  10. balaji2u

    Why dont we donate?

    Im very curious to know that how many of you donated some part of your earning to orphanage or poor students. Please consider donating to them and let them have atleast 10% of their expectations come true.I haven't started this thread in the intention to hurt anyone just a suggestion.
  11. balaji2u

    Adsense blocked me-Please help me out

    The following is the message that i received in regarding to applying for google adsense for my site please take a lok at it and tell me what shall i have to do to clear this. my last hope is X10.
  12. balaji2u

    A honest paying ad company for indians

    I have created a new sites( and with my friend winter's help can any one tell me any good ad company that pays for real except google adsense(reason:my site is not 6 months old) ,adbrite(reason:sometimes showing adult adds) NOTE:Im from india it would be better...
  13. balaji2u

    Sitemap For wordpress

    i created a single sitemap using the sitemap creator plugin in wordpress now my doubt is can i generate more sitemaps to my site? if so,then shall i need to create a new folder with the permalinks name and have to generate a different sitemap exclusively for that directory and then have to...
  14. balaji2u

    Testomial For ^-X10-^ Hosting

    Hello guys, We all stay as a community and enjoying the awesome service's from X10 hosting for free and for some reasonable prices for those who accessing the silver,gold plans etc. I just want to see the blooming testimonials from all of you about X10hosting.due to my grammatical errors...
  15. balaji2u


    I didn't find any tut's about Data center in x10 so i just picked some good materials and posting here Data center selection When selecting a datacenter, it is always advisable to select a datacenter which is geographically near the target audience of your sites. For example, if you will be...
  16. balaji2u

    When & where is hosting con taking place?

    one of my friend like to participate in hosting con 09 do any of you know when and where the hosting con 09 is taking place?
  17. balaji2u

    .INFO-The Demerits

    Im planning to buy a info domain with the help of one at X10.please tell me the precautions that i have to take when choosing a info domain and also does it have a lower value in google or other search engine page indexing?
  18. balaji2u

    [OFFER]50 Credits For Signup using my referral

    Im ready to give you 50 credits for first 10 members who are signing up in domain lagoon using my referral link.Click this below link to signup. reply with your username and credits are on your way.
  19. balaji2u

    Need your help

    If you feel that my site will improve in coming days with this below shown webalizer report please donate me a domain im ready to place your add for whole year with any add company that you say me so. if you ready to give me domain only if even more unique visits i have to get then please tell...
  20. balaji2u

    [REQ]500 Credits]Domain

    hi i need a domain hardly but dont have sufficient money, i can give you 500 credits if any one gives me support to get a free domain name through services like domainlagoon,officelive, because i get stuck with my nationality and the absence of credit card. if you like to help me with...