Search results

  1. stunna

    Looking for a webdesigner for Virtual Airline

    Hey everybody. I run Virtual Air Jamaica, and we are in need of a good webdesigner. I wont be paying for this but trust me, its cool working with a Virtual Airline. For more details on the job you can contact me on msn at
  2. stunna

    Application Form

    Hey I need someone to make an application form for my website. Just one that emails all the information to someones email address and stuff. I wont be paying so can someone please do this for free. I dont think its that hard. Edit: Actually I will pay in credits. I dont have alot though.
  3. stunna

    Online Radio Station - Designer Needed

    Hey guys, i'm looking for somebody to help me create an online radio station, something more like this I am broke at the moment and I dont think anybody would be interested in the little credits I have but if I do get this site built and everything working right I have a...
  4. stunna

    Graphic design - Pay in x10 credits

    Hey guys. I have an english project which is to design an ad for a product which i am supposed to think up. I came up with the idea of making an acne medication named "Acne Plus". So i'm supposed to design an ad for this medication. It would be kool if you could have a little tube or bottle like...
  5. stunna

    Looking for a webdesigner

    Hey guys, sup? I need a web/graphic designer to a website for my VA(Virtual Airline). The name of my Virtual Airline is Jam Jet, its actually a Virtual Charter Airline. We use Microsoft Flight Simulator to carry out our flights. If your interested and you want more information just add me on...
  6. stunna

    Php coder and Graphic designer needed

    Coder: I need a PHP coder to code what is called a PIREP(Pilot Report) system for my Virtual Airline. We are willing to spend up to $150 US so if you have the experience and you think you can handle it please contact me. My e-mail address is Graphic Designer: I...
  7. stunna

    Heres my site It was made by TheBruney.
  8. stunna

    Graphics Design needed

    Hey guys. I need a graphic designer to make a party flyer and tickets for me. I will be paying in x10 points or you could just do it free :). You can contact me on msn at
  9. stunna

    Party Flyer and Tickets

    Hey guys, sup? I'm looking for someone to design a party flyer and some tickets for me and my friends. If you are skilled and you think you can do it please add me on msn, my e-mail address is Whoever accepts the job will be paid. Edit: Anybody interested?
  10. stunna


    Hey guys, I need a label, as in a bottle label. I need something like the one on the bottle on this page The name of my company is Rocky Roots and our slogan is "Strong Roots that bring Strength to your Branches". You can go with a rastafarian theme or a jamaican theme...
  11. stunna


    Hey guys, I need a label, as in a bottle label. I need something like the one on the bottle on this page The name of my company is Rocky Roots and our slogan is "Strong Roots that bring Strength to your Branches". You can go with a rastafarian theme or a jamaican theme...
  12. stunna

    Logo - 400 Points

    Hey guys, sup? I need a logo, something like the one on this site The name of my company is Tri-Def Productions. Black and platinum or maybe silver will work. The pay is 400 Points, 500 if you do an original one that I like.
  13. stunna

    Windows XP SP3 Vs. Windows Vista SP1

    Whats gonna be new in Windows XP SP3? Would you pick Windows XP SP3 over Windows Vista SP1?
  14. stunna

    Website - 300 Points

    Hey guys, heres an image I made of how I would like my website to be made If you think you can make it please go ahead, the pay is 300 points. Edit: Nobody interested?
  15. stunna

    X10 Jackpot

    Hey guys. I hosting a credit contest.The entry fee is 30 points. There is no limit to how much times one person can enter. The winner will recieve 75% of the total entries recieved. Entires will end on February 23rd and the winner will be chosen on February 24th.
  16. stunna

    Webdesigner Needed!

    Hey guys, sup? I own a Virtual Airline, Virtual Air Jamaica and we need a webdesigner. We've been searching for months for a webdesigner with no luck. We have two ideas for our websites, here they are I guess I can...
  17. stunna


    Hey guys. Last night I tried to go on my website and I got some SSL crap. Please help me out with this. Here are the links for the site:
  18. stunna

    Logo Please

    Hey guys. Can any of you make a logo for my production company? The name of the company is Tri-Def Productions and I am thinking of a black and platinum look with some diamonds maybe. Just try a hip-hop look. Thanks in advance.
  19. stunna

    Virtual Air Jamaica - Web Designer Needed

    Hey everybody. I am the CEO of Virtual Air Jamaica, . We are in need of a web designer because our last one resigned(We are not sure why). This is a free job, we have no money so if theres anybody out there who has the time and is kind enough to offer there services free...
  20. stunna

    Domain help!

    Hey. About a month ago i bought a domain and i set it up with my account and everything. Then i tried to access the site through the domain, but it didnt work. A friend told me that it takes 24 hours for it to get set up so i waited. A day later i tried and it didnt work and i...