Search results

  1. satheesh

    You like Jackie Chan?

    You like Jackie Chan?
  2. satheesh

    Games Control

    You like to play a games in keyboard or Mouse or other? I like to play a game in Keyboard.
  3. satheesh

    Which mail service best compare to other?

    Which mail service best compare to other?
  4. satheesh

    Which one is best to create Website?

    Which one is best to create Website? I think Dreamwaver is the best.
  5. satheesh

    Football or Cricket?

    Football or Cricket?
  6. satheesh

    Google Search engine or Yahoo Search engine?

    Google Search engine or Yahoo Search engine? Which one is best? I like Google.
  7. satheesh

    Who is your fav Cricket Player?

    Who is your fav Cricket Player? My fav Player:Sachin Tendulkar.
  8. satheesh

    What is your fav movie?

    What is your fav movie? My Fav Movie: Rush Hour.
  9. satheesh

    Write your opinion about AVG?

    Write your opinion about AVG?
  10. satheesh

    Ice Text in Flash.

    Ice Text in Flash. 1.Create a Static Text and type some words. 2.Click Windows -> Properties ->Filters. 3.Select your text field and Click the button "Add Filters". 4.Select Glow. 5.Set them Blur X:7 Blur Y:7 Strength:200 Quality:Low Color:White tick the Knockout and Inner glow check box...
  11. satheesh

    Which Proccecor do u use?

    Which Proccecor do u use? I have an intel p4 1.6Ghz.
  12. satheesh

    Which Animation file is best for Internet?

    Which Animation file is best for Internet? I think swf file is best for Internet.
  13. satheesh

    How to Restore your Computer?

    How to Restore your Computer? 1.Click start menu and then Run. 2.Type "msconfig" and press enter. 3.Click the "Launch System Restore" button. 4.Click next and select your previous date. 5.Two time Click next. Warning:Backup your file in the Desktop and My Document.
  14. satheesh

    How to autorun your CD?

    How to autorun your CD? 1.Open the Notepad and type like below: [autorun] OPEN=Which one you want open in the CD.exe ICON=Your icon file in the CD.ICO as "AUTORUN.INF" 3.And Burn this file in the CD.
  15. satheesh

    How to include As(Flash Action Script File) file in Flash.

    How to Run As(Flash Action Script File) file in Flash. Create a new AS file Flash 8 and Type your Program. Example: _root.createTextField("text",this.getNextHighestDepth(),0,0,100,50); _root.text.text="Test"; Save as "". Come to Flash, Select the first...
  16. satheesh

    How to Change the My Computer Icon?

    How to Change the My Computer Icon 1.Right click on your Desktop and then Properties. 2.Select tab Desktop and click Customize Desktop. 3.Select the My Computer Icon and Click Change Icon. 4.Browse your Icon and Click Ok. Good Luck.
  17. satheesh

    Flash Shout Box for 500 Credits.

    Flash Shout Box for 500 Credits. Demo: If you want means post here.
  18. satheesh

    What type of game you like?

    What type of game you like? Racing games Fighting Games Shooting Games Other I like fighting game and Racing game.
  19. satheesh

    You like my website?

    My ShoutBox on my Home page at the bottom. You like my website and Shoutbox?
  20. satheesh

    which one is best to create a dynamic page?

    which one is best to create a dynamic page? PHP or JSP or ASP or Other.