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  1. satheesh

    Which one is best to run php?

    Which one is best to run php on my local computer? Wamp or Xampp or Other
  2. satheesh

    Open the EXE file in flash player.

    Open the EXE file in flash player. 1. Create a new folder called 'fscommand'. 2. Put some exe file inside this folder. Example:Flash.exe. 3.Create a new Flash file. Note: your Flash file outside the fscommand folder. 4.Open a Flash file and select the first frame. 5.Press F9 and Copy the...
  3. satheesh

    Which Download Manager is best?

    Which Download Manager is best? I am using Flash Get,Because it is Free Software.
  4. satheesh

    [Flash]How to decrease a size for your Flash(.fla) file?

    [Flash]How to decrease a size for your Flash(.fla) file? Suppose Your Flash file size 2.5MB. 1.Open Your Flash file(.fla) in Flash. 2.Chosee File->Save And Compact. Now,See Your Flash file size is 1MB.
  5. satheesh

    Which one you like?

    Which one you like? Age of Empires III Age of Empires III Age of Empires II Age of Empires II Expansion Age of Mythology Age of Mythology - The Titans Expansion I like Age of Empire III.
  6. satheesh

    Load a Sound in Flash.

    Load a Sound in Flash. Load a Sound: 1.Create new Mp3 file. 2.In Flash, Select the first frame and press F9. Copy below and Paste it. Syntax: loadSound(url:String, isStreaming:Boolean) var my_sound:Sound = new Sound(); my_sound.loadSound("sound.mp3", true); Set Volume for Sound: Syntax...
  7. satheesh

    Create Right Click Menu in Flash

    Right Click Menu in Flash 1. Select the first Frame. 2. Press F9 and Copy Code Below and paste it. stop(); menu = new ContextMenu(); menu.hideBuiltInItems(); menu.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("PlayMovie", menu1)); = menu; function menu1() { gotoAndStop(2); }...
  8. satheesh

    Create a Flash Cursor in Flash.

    Flash Cursor: 1. Create a Blank Flash Document. 2. Create a Blank Movie Clip. 3. Create your own cursor in the Movie Clip like below. 4. Come back to “Scene 1” and create new Layer and name it”Action”. 5. Select the Movie Clip and name it “cursor”. 6. Select the “Action”...
  9. satheesh

    [Flash]Digital Time

    Digital Time 1.Create a Text Field and Create set them instance name = “time”. 2.Select the first Frame. 3. Press F9 and Copy Code Below and paste it. _root.onEnterFrame = function() { var time:Date = new Date(); hour = (time.getHours()<=12) ? time.getHours() ...
  10. satheesh

    What is your fav GTA game?

    What is your fav GTA game? My Fav GTA game: Gta SA.
  11. satheesh

    Animation Flash Counter for 15 Credits.

    Animation Flash Counter for 15 Credits. Sample: If you want means post like below: "I want Flash counter, Theme:1st row 2nd Counter. "
  12. satheesh

    Avast or AVG?

    I want know Which one is best? Avast or AVG. I used Both Now i am using AVG.
  13. satheesh

    My site can not open.

    My site can not open. It say"The connection was reset" URL:
  14. satheesh

    [Flash]Drawing Board

    Drawing Board Select the first Frame. Press F9 and Copy Code Below and paste it. createEmptyMovieClip("Line",1); Line.lineStyle(1,0x000000,100); onMouseDown = function () { Line.moveTo(_xmouse, _ymouse); onMouseMove = function () { Line.lineTo(_xmouse, _ymouse);}...
  15. satheesh

    Which is your favorite Gaming Company?

    Which is your favorite Gaming Company? My Fav Game Company: I like ELECTRONIC ARTS and UBISOFT
  16. satheesh

    10 Credits for add your website.

    If you want add your website to my site. Example:Click here Post your website here. Example: Category:games,flash games etc.
  17. satheesh

    Which one is best?GMAil/HotMail

    Which one is best? GMAil (or) HotMail
  18. satheesh

    What type of Mobile you like?

    What type of Mobile you like? 1.Linux Mobile. 2.Windows Mobile. 3.Symbian Mobile. 4.Other I like Linux Mobile, i have Motorola Ming(A1200) with Linux Os.
  19. satheesh


    I am new to this site. I like very much this site. Hi,all
  20. satheesh

    [Flash]Move a MovieClip using arrow keys.

    [Flash]Move a MovieClip using arrow keys. Create a Movie Clip and Create a Rectangle or your design in the Movie Clip. Come Back to Scene 1. Select the Movie Clip and set them instance name = “movie”. Select the first Frame. Press F9 and Copy Code Below and paste it...