Search results

  1. Jordan C

    Can't verify site with Google

    I want to upload a site map so I can get in Google. But first you must verify your site with Google webmasters, so I uploaded the file, and when I click 'Verify' in Google webmaster tools, I get this message: Verification status: NOT VERIFIED Last attempt Jul 10, 2008: We've detected that...
  2. Jordan C

    I need ways to get active forum members

    Can anyone tell me how to get people registering to my forum, and keeping active?. I've got 11 members currently, and I am pretty much the only one that posts, . What can I do. My goal is that when ever I log in, people are always logged in, like on here on...
  3. Jordan C

    What would you say the purpose of my site is?

    Hi. I'm a bit unsure what you would call my site, and maybe what you would expect on it. Someone told me that it was like a kind of Operating System site, if so, I may have gone off track with my idea.
  4. Jordan C

    What is the purpost of my site

    H, When I made my site, I just made it. But now, I don't know where to go next. Someone said they thought it was a operating system site, if so. As you can see. I'm a little off track and I need some ideas/ insperation :dunno: Thanks PS: Heres the link,
  5. Jordan C

    Using name servers with CO.CC

    Hey, I've just updated my name servers with CO.CC, can someone please tell me how these work? :dunno:
  6. Jordan C

    Review my new forum site

    Hi, Can you review my new forums site, SNT Forums, . I would also love it if you could sign up, as I need more users. Thanks, Jordan SNT Admin
  7. Jordan C

    Review SNT

    Hi, Can someone review my site, Simple Nerd Talk (SNT). I've just redid the template and made a new logo. If you could also look through some of the content that would be great.
  8. Jordan C

    Need help setting up database

    Hi, I need a fully working database to get my forum going with phpBB3. Can someone please help set it up, the forum install files are at this address . I'm sure you need the C-Panel address, user name and password so ask me and I'll PM those to...
  9. Jordan C

    Database problem - Can't set up forum

    Hi, I need a fully working database to get my forum going with phpBB3. Can someone please help set it up, the forum install files are at this address . I'm sure you need the C-Panel address, user name and password so ask me and I'll PM those to you.
  10. Jordan C

    Need Database information

    Hi, I want to set up my own phpBB3 forum, but I need a database. I tried setting one up in C-Panel but it wouldn't work, how can I make a database or is there any tips or information I should know
  11. Jordan C

    POLL: XP or Vista

    Hi, Just want to know who likes Vista, and who likes XP for my websites Windows page.
  12. Jordan C

    Tell me what you think of Simple Nerd Talk

    Hi, Want to know what you think of Simple Nerd Talk, I will give reputation if you tell me something that can help me make it better, maybe I'll give some credits as well. Heres the link
  13. Jordan C

    General Game reviewer wanted

    Hi, I need someone to review games for my site, Simple Nerd Talk , Please note, I'm NOT the one developing the games you review. These are just short reviews about games for Xbox, PS, PC ect, just like on a game site like on Game Spot or anything like that. In return I'll put a link to your...
  14. Jordan C

    Please Join Snt Forums

    Hi, Please Please join my forums site, SNT Forums, , I need users. PLEASE
  15. Jordan C

    Can't change CO.CC favicon

    Hey, is it just me or has CO.CC disabled the change of favicon settings, because I could before, not that it worked but you could disable the defult
  16. Jordan C

    Game Tester Wanted!!

    Heloo, I'm looking for a game tester for my website Simple Nerd Talk ( Or maybe if you already test new (ish) games on your site we could be partners, your reviews get posted on my site as well as your and I have a 'Games tested by #your site#' or something...
  17. Jordan C

    Want to swap links

    Hey, anyone want to swap links, my site is Simple Nerd Talk, .
  18. Jordan C

    Please Review My Site

    Hello, My site is Simple Nerd Talk, ;)
  19. Jordan C

    Apache HTTP on Stoli offline, i think

    Hey, I was surfing through my website and it stopped working. I checked my x10 account management and Apache HTTP is down. I use Stoli and want to know if this down for everyone.
  20. Jordan C

    Changing the 404 error page

    When a page does not exist it goes to the x10 404 error, but how do I get my own error page. C-Panel has a error page section, but they don't help. If anyone knows the directory of the old x10 one that'd be great, but I can't find it myself. I also tried changing the .htaccess file, but that...