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  1. Jordan C

    Every Thing Down

    Ok, yesterday I was told that Apache HTTP was down on the Stoli server, and that it would be fixed very soon. Today I checked and Apache HTTP, MySQL, Exim, cPanel, FTP and DNS. Did this happpen to all members using Stoli, or just me?
  2. Jordan C

    Help - Site Down

    Please help! My site appars to not exist anymore, just today I changed to the stactic plan, I am on the Stoli.x10 server and it says Apache HTTP is offline. Anyone know whats happening. Is it down for every one?
  3. Jordan C

    Hi. I'm jordanc, owner of SNT

    Hi. I'm jordanc. I own Simple Nerd Talk http:/ Check out Simple Nerd Talk sometime. PS: Simple Nerd Talk (aka:SNT) is not for nerds. Its for people who arn't nerds, kinda like Being A Nerd For Dumies
  4. Jordan C

    Simple Nerd Talk Is Live - Tell Me What You Think

    Hey, Simple Nerd Talk ( my web site ) is LIVE. Yah. I finaly finished it. But anyway, I need to know what you think, oh, and I know it needs a few tweaks in the body. Heres the link PS: Thanks for all previous reviews
  5. Jordan C

    ADMIN PLEASE ANSWER - Do we have to put our baner ad on every page?

    Just want to know. Do we have to put our banner ad on every page of our site?
  6. Jordan C


    Thats right. Review my site and you get 5c ( x10 Forums Cents ). I know I'm not ofering much, but you don't have to do much either. Heres the link
  7. Jordan C

    Lets Review

    Hello, Can someone please review my site Simple Nerd Talk. Heres the link It'd be great if I could see what some people think of it.