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    Use Google Analytics or Histats.
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    Free Hosting Audit, Keeping Your Account Safe

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    Free Hosting Audit, Keeping Your Account Safe

    I used to get a lot of bots on my forum posting spam but after adding questions such as "Numb3r hidden in this text" and "Middle Number Please" they all stopped so this method seems to be particularly effective.
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    Ways around monthly 'Account Suspended'

    If they do that for inactivity,then why not for unallowed sites and all the other rules? Oh wait thats what the ToS's are all about. They aren't hard to read unlike other tos so there is no reason for you to not read them. If you never read the TOS you are going to end up in deep crap when you...
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    Please answer my support ticket :/

    Hi, I'm on illuminated and have had a support ticket open since 2013-03-26 08:32 and no one has bothered to answer at all, please can you respond! Thanks (Sorry for posting in free forum but it seems the only place any of the admins look atm)
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    Php E-mail functionality suddenly stopped by X10hosting

    I've had problems with built in email before and I switched to smtp using gmail. Its functioning when I posted this, so it might be worth considering using it if the problem persists.
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    how to setup domain for easy mail access

    I haven't tried this, but under Softaculous there is an email client roundcube. Providing it sets up correctly you could install it to your server under your subdomain 'mail'
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    What are you playing now?

    Team Fortress 2 and Unreal Tournament 3 (although I wish that game hadn't gone the way of the dodo online)
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    What happened to the x10 community

    I've seen forums go from lively to dead before. At least x10 is far from dead yet. I wish there was forum games still, I do like wasting time on those pointless threads. Also why did x10 decide to change from the login to forum rule?
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    What do you people think of adfly

    Hi, I have a website that hosts lots of links to free games (legal ones, not pirated content) and I was wondering what people think of for making money, do you think it'll be worth it for 200 visitors a day? Thanks
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    Huge open database of free pc games

    Hi guys, I've made a large (500+) database of freeware/indie free to play games with direct download links, they are all free, legal, ad free, and most come close to big studio/publisher standards, in fact some are even big publisher games released as freeware. The site also allows anyone to...
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    I'm on the illuminated server and first of all what mail can I use? PHP mail and/or SMTP. My website emailed fine before but it doesn't appear to work now, it uses PHP mail. Whats wrong, is it X10?
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    Elitist, Racist AND Dictatorial Country Restrictions

    I think the free and paid hosting is brilliant, and made better for all the extra features open because x10 block abusers via there Country Restrictions. Also I commend x10 for blocking people like the op from hosting :)
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    Review my forum

    I suggest that if you want people to sign up to your forum you design your website first and then link to your forum because no one is going to sign up to a forum that has no members and no posts, whats the point?
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    default page error

    Does this look like the help section of the forum? Do you have a website link? You can open support ticket from your account portal (not the forum account)
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    Review my site, A free games database.

    Hi all, I've updated my site further and moved to Please tell me what you think of the new pages/stuff. @dragonpimpsta, Ive changed my font but I'm not really sure what are the better fonts to use over Times new Roman? Also I think the ads thing is alright cos its just...
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    Thank you x10hosting!

    Seconded :)
  18. G - Image sharing service

    I really like it, and some of the images are brilliant. I couldn't find many bugs, the main thing that annoyed me is pictures that didn't fit in screen I press the arrow keys to scroll but for some reason it loads up different pictures maybe because its clicking the links in the right side bar...
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    question about upgrade account

    But you need to make sure the domain name you want is actually available and not in use by someone else!