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  1. G <--- Needs some opinion(s)

    I like your new banner, but you would be better off using your old banner but rather than stretching it to full screen, set it to its actual width and then center it using a html table so it works with all screen resolutions.
  2. G <--- Needs some opinion(s)

    Hi, See attachment for my view of your site. Your top banner stretches to match size of window so widescreen resolutions make it all distorted Also I dislike the moving images, anything moving on screen without user interaction detracts from the actual site. Your bottom bar doesn't appear...
  3. G

    My site is not accessible online

    This is the review my site section, not the help section... Redirected to the welcome page? What exactly should happen when you load up your homepage? If you site needs a database then yes you need to upload it.
  4. G

    PHP Mailto Script Help Plz!

    Edit the above to match your details and save as Email.php Then add this form to your webpage: I adapted this from someone else's work but I can't remember where I got it so all credit goes to somebody else :)
  5. G

    Flushing your DNS

    Follow the same procedure as for vista in first post
  6. G

    What is wrong with Afribook

    You've stolen the facebook logo, I would remove that if I was you.
  7. G

    My Forum

    Get a 404 error :(
  8. G

    What server are YOU on?

    Wheres the illuminated server? :)
  9. G

    How you learn a programming language?

    I'm just start to learn this, hopefully my coding isn't too crap but I can do what I want in php and html so I suppose it doesn't matter too much :)
  10. G

    My site is broken since chopin got moved :(

    Your html file at is: notice the line <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url="> its telling the browser to reload the page again and again and again.
  11. G

    euro crisis

    I recon the European union will go bankrupt before anyone manages to leave
  12. G

    Review my site, A free games database.

    @pyrichub You joined x10 forum just to insult my work? At least say something constructive else you can gtfa @ellescuba27 What browser you using? The button is just a standard hyperlink and shouldn't be causing you problems as its been downloaded by a lot of other people but the problem might...
  13. G

    How you learn a programming language?

    I personally found w3schools php/mysql tutorials very helpful, but I did already know how to program in other languages before I used it so maybe its not suited to everyone
  14. G

    Free Disk Space Usage?

    No I don't think its those that abuse it get limited to 1GB, all members are limited to 1GB at first and then after (I think) 512mb you are allowed to request unlimited space using a support ticket, they will then make sure the usage of your current space doesn't abuse ToS and then give you...
  15. G

    More Databases?

    You need to upgrade to prime/illuminated/premium to get more databases.
  16. G

    Free Disk Space Usage?

    They limit it to 1GB and then when you need more, you need to request it and they will change it to unlimited. Also this is posted in the wrong section!
  17. G


    Website link? Also you should of posted this in free hosting sub forum.
  18. G

    Review my site, A free games database.

    Hi eggo9432, thanks for your comment. Can you be more specific about the ad? Should I keep just the 1 banner add at the top and remove the rest? Or is that too many? Also I really like your idea about moving the donate button so I think ill move it to the right side of the main menu. Thanks...
  19. G

    Review my site, A free games database.

    I've added a new background image, can you please say if you people like it or not?
  20. G

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    i ban pogodoknow60 for having less posts than me :D