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  1. G

    please review my site

    am i right? you do mean that it is easy for customer to add a number of items into their shopping basket? or you mean that it is easy for you to add product to catalog?
  2. G

    New Launched! Turn $10 into $10400 in 30 days

    then join me in support thread for a couple of drinks
  3. G

    please review my site

    on the left hand side, on the menu, remove that annoying mouse-over effect, you know, that, which turns the normal fonts to bold. cannot you see for yourself, if line on the button is long, on mouse-over it turns to be a two lines instead of one. Also, gradient from blue to light-brown is just...
  4. G

    What is the Best AntiVirus?

    the best antivirus would be a linux ) never got infected for 12 years
  5. G

    New Launched! Turn $10 into $10400 in 30 days

    do you know, that financial pyramids schemes are totally illegal? what are you looking at, mods? still trying to fix my beloved stoli?
  6. G

    Problems with stoli

    hi, guys, there are some problems on stoli server. i lost my shop, ok, no complains, free service. and i still have a backups and ability to rebuild it. but even when i trying to log in into my admin panel i have a message about mysql-link, it is invalid. and it is not for the first day even...
  7. G

    horde/roundcube and hosting account page issue

    hi, guys it might be not that vital, but still annoying. when i open my account page i have a message "no page found" and when i log in to my webmail through cpanel the only squirel is working, no horde, which i prefer, neither roundcube. the message says DB...
  8. G

    trouble with the incoming e-mails

    wow! you are fast! sure, they working. thats why i'm staying with x10. have to switch to pro account
  9. G

    trouble with the incoming e-mails

    Thanks for info, but I would prefer to have my mail get fixed :) I have paypal mail on the server and primary e-mail as well. Don't want to move it to google, i know, its silly, but I feel more secure in here. Any chance to fix it?
  10. G

    trouble with the incoming e-mails

    Hi, I have a real problem with the e-mails not received by server. I've been reading the forum and tried to change MX settings (which I could), but no mails coming to my address. Help would be appreciated, as it is my primary address and some e-mails expected badly. domain is...
  11. G

    database error

    i am on stoli, indeed.
  12. G

    database error

    hi, guys. merry Christmas (bit late, but better late, then never) and happy new year to you and yours. the problem is, i cannot get onto my site, neirher to the admin part of my site. in both cases i have a message "Link to database cannot be established." basically, if you aware of the problem...
  13. G

    problems with prestashop

    hi, guys i've got a problem and it would be nice to get some suggestion 19.08.09 stoli was off for a good while, i do not know exact time, but about 17.00 GMT after it got online all of the categories in prestashop just gone, it says "there are 4 categories" but there is non i would be really...
  14. G

    get free traffic by surfing

    thanks, mate i signed up through the link with your referal
  15. G

    Latest update news thread response: 6/22/09

    well, all right today is 06.27.2009 i am on stoli everything is working, including mails
  16. G

    Latest update news thread response: 6/22/09

    Hi, Corey I do read the news, but I still cannot find an answer to the very simple question, "What's up with the e-mails?" I am not saying that you have to leave all of the other jobs and do my emails, but can you provide some information, please? The single ticket with error on email delivery...
  17. G

    Latest update news thread response: 6/22/09

    well, the mail still not operational. i can send the e-mail from my account, but when i send a mail from another address or just reply on sent mail i have a message "undelivered, address unknown, code 5.1.1" and the biggest problem as i can see it - there is not enough information from...
  18. G

    Review My Million Dollar Website

    nice and clean, i like it. i did not test-drive it through, but if you press "live support", you have a pop-up window with contact information and "live support is not available at the moment", it is ok, but images are not displayed on this pop-up. also, did you use a pre-configured shop...
  19. G

    Latest Update 6/18/09 News Thread Response

    Hi, guys. Nice place you do have here. Gentlemen, Whats up with e-mails and when it gonna be sorted, please? I have a message in Server Status "exim (exim-4.69-23.1_cpanel_maildir) failed" and already did not receive 3 (as I'm aware) important mails. One from revenue regarding custom...