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  1. T

    Dreamweaver vs Notepad?

    Completely concur with freecrm on getting a few quotes before deciding on one to hire. I also agree that DW is NOT easy to pick up. Unlike some of Adobes other programs, It requires you, the user, to bring quite a bit of knowledge to the table if you want to use it correctly. As freecrm said...
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    Dreamweaver vs Notepad?

    I agree with freecrm on the pros and cons of Dreamweaver vs notepad. However the debate on if its better to get Dreamweaver of hire a pro is all about a skills vs time vs cost issue that every company or individual has to decide. i.e. If your constantly doing web coding and plan to be in that...
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    Strife. (Amazing Graphic.)

    not bad. you should look into DA as its a great place no matter what your skill is. :P :D
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    Quicksand Typeface

    Very nice. what program do you use to make your fonts?
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    Nvu or Dreamweaver?

    Dreamweaver and notepad or notepad + are the ones I use. I am looking in to sitegrinder for PS but not for coding.
  6. T

    Download Icon

    I agree with twinkie. lose the download text on top otherwise Pretty good. :)
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    Audrey Hepburn

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    Nicely done. its not 100% the same and if you made it from scratch its technically a new font. ;)
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    Audrey Hepburn A Sketch I did of Audrey Hepburn, all freehand. what do ya think?
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    Holy Warrior

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    Another photo retouch!

    Much better. I like it a lot. keep it up. Like i said you just need to learn a few tricks, put some time into it and presto look what you get :D now I'm not saying its perfect so keep practicing and learning ;)
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    photo retouching ---> NEW

    Here are some good Tutorial site Links:
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    A human skull.

    mmm I don't know if the bamboo series comes with brushes. The Intuos and Cintiq ranges do but anyway I've attached the brushes that come bundled with them. ;) Enjoy!
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    Holy Warrior Critique and comments please
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    photo retouching ---> NEW Heres Just a quick idea of what could be done. Now its not anywhere near finished as this is just a quick mock-up but it should give you some ideas. ;)
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    A human skull.

    Congrats!!!! :D Wacom RULES!!!! What size did you end up getting? and don't forget to load the brush's on the disk (you have to browse the disk to get to them) again CONGRATS!!!!:D
  17. T

    photo retouching ---> NEW

    Much better rez pic this time. you did the eye coloring cleaner this time too. But your still rushing the process and not changing enough of the pic. What program are you using? PS, PSP, Gimp? I'd suggest doing a few tutorials on manipulation and effects as you have potential but have to learn...
  18. T

    Photo retouching!

    mmm its ok but you should look for better rez pics to work with as this quality makes it hard to tell whats your fault and whats the pics. I can point out that the coloring in the left eye ( her right one) looks kinda funny / splotchy. Other then that I'd suggest doing more to he then changing...
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    Time for a Drive

    Sure heres the links Watch Lake Car Pack Specific car in pack The Boat is my stock Road and Space image are made from scratch
  20. T

    Keaton Font

    I don't have or can even find a FONT called Keaton. several inspired by Keaton but none CALLED Keaton. could you post a SS of what it looks like looks like? as we might know it under a different name.