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    Time for a Drive

    Take a look and critique. Time For a Drive This was done on my PC not my laptop so RAM wasn't a issue as it was with Deaths Memory.
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    Deaths Memory

    Check it out and post what you think.
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    Critique Please

    Please scale it 1-10 but also leave a comment WHY you think it get that score. (i.e. what you like/don't like about it.) Here's a link to the image. (please image click for bigger view.) Little Miss Sure Shot...
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    How to render in photoshop - By JuniorD

    Sounds like you don't have the settings right for the pen tool. Check out some tutorials here (specifically this one for the pen tool) then tell me if you like the pen tool or the P-lasso better. ;D
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    How to render in photoshop - By JuniorD

    WOW this is really basic stuff. why use the polygonal lasso tool when the pen tool's easier?
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    Interface Critique

    This is one of three Interface's I'm doing for one of my Clients. It's not finished as you can see but this is milestone 1 for the first one so I thought I'd get your thoughts on it. I've scaled it down quite a bit as the actual size is something like 5000 x 4000
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    Ideas for a Website (mockups)

    Second one but please get rid of the purses. I thought they were a fashion house for a sec :P
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    What's the best 3D Animation Software?

    Cinema 4D is for Windows too but Maya's better.
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    What's the best 3D Animation Software?

    3DS Max but I use Maya too.
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    What's the best 3D Animation Software?

    Maya or 3ds Max 9 if you want professional results. Swift3d for Flash animation and Blender if you on a budget or just getting into 3D anim. BTW: AutoCAD!?! as a 3D animation program please tell me your joking!! its a CAD program for heavens sake!! hence the AutoCAD and like Xemnas said you...
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    Sweeny Todd Poster V1 (700KB be warned)

    Ok I'd Like to here what you think of this as a poster for the movie "Sweeny Todd". I'm in a contest to make one for Sony that ends on December 11th Midnight PST so I need your input before then. Everythings made from scratch except the image and two of the tribals but I even modified those...
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    sub-domain name change

    I'd like to chance my sub-domain from "" to "" if thats taken maybe "" thanks in advance.
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    New Design

    Id Like your comments on this one Id also like you to compare it with Lady Of The Lake and tell me which you prefer. (Click To Goto my Deviant Page And See Full Version)
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    Dunagain Castle

    Comments & Critique Please. Do you like it? Hate it? could it be better? all thoughts welcome so SPEAK UP!!! Dunagain Castle
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    Lady Of The Lake

    Made These For A DeviantArt Competition. Which do you like better? Lady Of The Lake: (Click To Goto my Deviant Page And See Full Version) Lady Of The Lake Day Time Version: (Click To Goto my Deviant Page And See Full Version) I want some comments please.
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    Contest Entrys

    ok the contest is to create skin for a scion and id like to hear what you think about some of my entrys 1: 2: 3: 4:
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    Thought Id post some of the fonts i use in my designs. Depending on the reaction i might post some more :D There are over 1300 OpenType fonts in the first file! Enjoy
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    500 internal server error?

    A Little Help Please? heres the link: this is the error
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    Latest Sig

    What ya think? please post C&C Below. They say Practice makes Perfect.... but Im Perfecting the Practice :cool:
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    starcraft Ghost

    Please post thought below. Click to see The original V1: V2: