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  1. P

    New Sig RATE PLEASE!

    Alright.. Theres my new sig my made. haha heres the one I made befor it... What you think of the new one?
  2. P

    My First ever home made webdesign!

    Well heres the link... all the bottons just reload the page... Theres alot I need to work on (was my first time ever trying to ever make a web design) The bars look funny... can't see some of the text that great. Please tell me how I can...
  3. P

    Who knows slicing and coding...

    If some one can Make me an easy tut on Slicing and coding. I'll give them 20 points. Or can you point me to one all reddy on the internet that isent realy long and complacated?
  4. P

    New sig. What do you think?

    Alright well i made this sig. When i brang it over to image redy it got alot darker. not sure why? but whatever it's nothing like arkkirns sigs but meh.
  5. P

    Need a Bit of help with html...small code.

    Ok here this simple site i'm making right. witch is this ... Now when you click forums or anything.. you get a forum to show up in the home page. But i want the link when you click forums and stuff to take you to a hole to new wide page with the...
  6. P

    Servers down?

    Is there a problem with the servers today or somthing. i was on my forums posting and then the pages stoped loading i restarted my computer and did some other thing with my internet to see if it was mine but my pages still wouldn't load. i can't log on my cpanel ither... I donno.... just...
  7. P

    Free Invison templates?

    Dose anyone know were I can find FREE invision Board themes/skins?:blink:
  8. P


    I see some people Say if they helped you out Increse there Reputation. How do you do this? I'm sure it's on the forum some ware that i havent read yet. just wondering thanks
  9. P

    HELP ME OUT?! please

    Ok, I used PHP nuke for my site. I installed it with fansisico and I need to get the adds up. I think this is the add code <center> <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>...
  10. P

    PHP code add?

    Were can i find the x10hosting code for the add. In PHP style. I do not have anypages up yet. But i would like to at least get this add up soo i don't get suspended.
  11. P

    New Sig!

    I just Started making sig not to long ago at all. I like to do more anamation stuff. But this is only my seconed actul (not anamatied) sig. Tell me what you think. ......Heres what I came up with.....
  12. P

    What do you think?

    ok, I would like to setup a "clan" site. But i'm not sure what would be best to use. PHP Nuke Post Nuke PHP Website PHP WCMS Or Other (somthing eles) Please help me out tell me what you think would work best. (and if you know were i can get good templates for any of these for FREE...
  13. P

    Your link in my sig?

    If you want your link To be a little more avertised. I'll put in it my sig for anytype of points donation (1 point or higher doesnt matter to me)
  14. P

    Hello X10hosting

    Hi, My name is Phil. I just join today to get a nice webspace that I need And i was looking around the fourm and liked it very much. Every one here quite nice and plesent. very happy to be aprat of this forum. I play games : Wolf ET I'm in a four peace Rock band. I play Bass guitar. i'm 24...