Search results

  1. xmakina

    TAFE STUDENT - what other ways can I write this code?

    You don't*. As your task was simply to "get two numbers and display the larger number" there's no need for forms. This is a wonderful example of how important project / job specifications are. You're never asked to store or present the two numbers after the initial display so you don't. Would...
  2. xmakina

    Count to 1 Million

    357 are the preceeding number + 2. except 3.
  3. xmakina

    Please vote on new site!

    Very nice. The only thing you need to look at now is the site logo. It still reeks of 1995, which is even more emphasised with the new colour scheme. If you don't have any artistic skills, just use text, it'd be better than the old logo.
  4. xmakina

    Please vote on new site!

    Layout 1 is nicer but you need different colours. At the moment I'm looking for the friends list and the facebook icon :/
  5. xmakina

    Review My Site

    As above + you need to fix your signature link, the first one has too many b's :P
  6. xmakina

    I would like some feed back of my site please

    Your header text is right against the side of the page. Put some padding in. Where are the borders in the tables? It looks like 3 big squares. The content block looks a little... barren. Everything is just kind of floating around looking a little lost. Add some defining lines, spread things...
  7. xmakina

    TAFE STUDENT - what other ways can I write this code?

    The joy of programming is that as long as it works, you've done it right ;) From an engineers perspective, can you remove anything and still maintaing functionality?
  8. xmakina

    Student - Use document.getElementById("").innerHTML with if else statement

    Something I always find helpful when I'm debugging is to keep echo/printing variables as I go. That way I can spot problems quicker. You may find that some numbers are not being processed as they should
  9. xmakina

    Help with html forms

    1) W3schools 2) Google it.
  10. xmakina

    Dreamweaver vs Notepad?

    Notepad++ pretty much all the way. WYSIWYG editors are fine for when you just want to stick something on the net, but I feel like you never learn anything from WYSIWYG. Getting down and dirty with the source code is also much more rewarding :)
  11. xmakina

    quick help for how to make a database registration

    You need to learn SQL with PHP. Take a wander over to here to learn SQL, then go here to learn how to use SQL with PHP. When you've gone through those, feel free to ask for any more help. There is another thread about setting up a log-in box, find that and have a read too :)
  12. xmakina

    Check out x360 Blog!

    Okay. Lot of work needed here. First, the name. x360 just has to be an XBOX website, yet the tag line is "Hub of mass IT knowledge." and the only post is PC games, so I'm guessing it's a PC blog, rather than XBox. Speaking of the tag line, the grammar is appalling. "Hub of mass" is just wrong...
  13. xmakina

    Looks very cool. Can't wait for it to get some actual content. Living near Derby, England, I can't help but wonder when you'll be trying to get a camera around here :)
  14. xmakina

    New site!

    Your mistake has been asking people to review your site with the only thing to be aware of is bugs. You've just told us that you have no content, only the free template and you've not even finished your logo. Perhaps you should consider closing this topic until the site is actually finished and...
  15. xmakina

    Make Login Page

    Oh FFS learn to google. Google'd for make login page and the First - *FIRST* - link was, which is exactly the tool you are using for the problem you have. I facepalmed so hard I gave myself a concussion.
  16. xmakina

    Help in shifting from another server

    I'm guessing you're using PHP so you need to find the any mysql_connect commands e.g. mysql_connect("localhost","<USERNAME>","<PASSWORD>"); and also mysql_select_db("<DATABASE NAME>", $connection); Hopefully you did the smart thing and used require("databaseconnect.php") in all your database...
  17. xmakina

    TAFE Student again - currency conversion

    You answered your own question. You are Learning. You don't know this from that. This forum is for "Help". So when you understand the basics, things like objects, threads, the stack and the heap, paranthesis, functions, parameters, this, >, <, ||, &&, == and all the other fundamentals that your...
  18. xmakina

    TAFE Student again - currency conversion

    Have you talked to your tutor? Have you done your own research? Why not ask fellow students? I know you've got access to an amout of help here, but why not use the resources you have to hand? Option tagss use value as well as name. You may benefit from putting the currency values in the option...
  19. xmakina

    mySQL help

    Regardless, it's illegal. x10hosting specifically state in their terms that you can't use the servers for illegal activities. Most of the private servers are hosted on peoples own machines (as in, the ones they have at home) as a hosting company close down private servers as soon as they're spotted.
  20. xmakina

    Please decide..

    Take the second ones colour scheme and apply it to the first.