Search results

  1. xmakina

    Count to 1 Million

    304 is 306-2 which is the model of a car.
  2. xmakina

    My Website...Online Game built With PHP

    The tables have been dropped... I'm guessing the site is now closed?
  3. xmakina

    Check out my site

    What does your site do? Is it a game server? Why does the banner talk about key trading? Why does paying money make me verified? Why do I *want* to be verified?
  4. xmakina

    PHP Source Code

    I'm sure someone here can but if you want help you'll need to: 1) Provide a brief summary of what your website will do 2) Gone through the tutorials available at 3) Provide an instant messenger contact address and what times you expect to be online (including timezone). Hope...
  5. xmakina

    Tracking script

    There's a limit on the number of searches that can be run against a specific website. Try looking for
  6. xmakina


    Also consider where the end result will be left. If it's in a file that can be accessed easily from the web, such as a file on the website, then you'll want it to be very secure (256 minimum). If it's going into a database only you and maybe 2 or 3 trusted individuals can see then 1 should be...
  7. xmakina

    Rate me

    I know it probably wasn't your intention, but that eyeOS stuff is really cool :)
  8. xmakina

    My Website...Online Game built With PHP

    Yes. Yes I did. Although I was wrong, it's Monocountry. Okay. So they have the source out so my criticism changes to something else. What does your game offer that's unique? MC is very common and it's source code is freely available. TC is MC but...
  9. xmakina

    Tracking script

    I disagree. Pretty strongly at that. Most script won't be stolen until it's popular and even after that it may take several days or even weeks to leak to the internet. You'd have IP addresses of your visitors, sure, but that wouldn't be the slightest bit of help unless you go all Stalin and...
  10. xmakina

    Tracking script

    In short there isn't, BUT if most of the code is PHP then the end user will never see it anyway :)
  11. xmakina

    My Website...Online Game built With PHP

    If you're gonna rip off a successful website, at least have the decency to do a better job of it. Also, I don't think TC has released its source code so there's probably a copyright violation in there somewhere.
  12. xmakina

    need someone to do me a mySQL table, for credits :D

    To "request.php" as a GET rather than POST.
  13. xmakina

    need someone to do me a mySQL table, for credits :D

    You'll have to fill in the blanks and rename fields where appropriate but I think this is what you're after. <?php echo "<table>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>Band</th><th>Song</th><th>etc...</th><th>Request</th>"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM Songs"; $result = mysql_query($sql); while($row =...
  14. xmakina

    All new iMusicz!

    Good selection of music (where do you get them from? I'm surprised to see big bands with MP3 downloads...) After a search there are 10 empty items at the bottom of the list A file size isn't sent when I download something, so my browser can't tell me how long is remaining. FAQ link creates an...
  15. xmakina

    Review THIS!

    Whats with the two green bars under the content? You're called black hand yet the colour scheme looks like you're a peace/nature group, all that green and grass and trees and birds :/ An RSS button under the forums suggests you've got an RSS for that particular thread/forum.
  16. xmakina

    phpMyAdmin and Blobs

    There isn't an error message. It just simply doesn't go in.
  17. xmakina

    phpMyAdmin and Blobs

    Hey. I'm trying to upload a small image (12kb) into my database using phpMyAdmin but it's not going in. I have PHP Intermediate. Any idea why this is? Thanks.
  18. xmakina


    PHP is already installed. You might need full permissions to install that module, have you applied for them yet and had them granted?
  19. xmakina

    Please review my game-website.

    Convoluted, but I get you now. Perhaps rename the page real-four.htm? It does just look like a typo :/ EDIT: Further in now. FYI - all your password stuff is DOMINATED by running firefox with noscript on :P
  20. xmakina

    More VB2008 help please...!!!

    There is an example on this site ( but I can't find it. Try having a dig around :) (It's called a "caret", btw)