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    Account taken, Account doesn't exist, Can't login, Domain created - wtf?

    use support ticket we can't help This is x10 fault of programing sorry.
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    approval of new account

    Just wait. Trust me keep begging will not make you getting it faster.
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    what maked free hosting?

    what are you saying? Any ideas any one? Oh, for a fact your not allow to hosting non-english(non-spanish and other) site
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    Error using joomla 1.5

    okay that's can be a 404 or an timeout, try accessing or doing what you are doing for 5-6 times. I also got timeout on my wordpress ajax script. If its an 404, which part and page? I haven use joomla for years now.
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    Hosting within Hosting

    As long as that is all yours, YES. But you can not let someone take control over like you giving a hosting service to them that's a NO.
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    Problems with my ticket

    The support is fine. For me at least. Its can take days for them to reply but I dont know about you. Try sending them a brand new ticket
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    My website is not working

    karohosya?? Anyway it seem that x10 server is not responding so the key as always is TIME. x10 is a very good hosting they will fix it in no time! Update: By the time I update this the web server or DNS is back to normal.
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    Website show appche page & c-panel is alwaz down :(

    This is the DNS problem, just wait for the DNS to update and it should work out fine.
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    Do not use a topic name help! For that problem everyone is having it x10 will fix it soon
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    exec ()

    More information, you will need to submit a level 3 application. Mostly you will not get accepted if you don't know what is the different between exec or passthru.
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    Are the pages currently down??

    yes, are you trying to edit them by cpanel, ftp or your build in script? If you are editing by cpanel sometime its down for some reason this happen to me also, and also build in script like wordpress the PHP is not working well so you may get a timeout!
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    noob at sea!!

    you will get an email then login with that information in your email. The process it self will guide you.
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    My account is still in the queue

    Just register a new one :biggrin:;). Its might be a PHP problem and it might never been submitted
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    Account Suspended

    You won't get suspend, If you are using PAID! hosting. Inactive in forum will not get you bad(this is why most people get banned)
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    x10hosting and facebook

    *** XXX.YYY.ZZZ Most site when blocking they will block the YYY.ZZZ part causing all domain(in this case the sub domain is the user site) blocked They happen with most of the hosting site one user abuse all get banned. They will need to know that x10 is trust able and block...
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    Site not loading

    Yes its not loading, about a hour or two ago, its seem the be fast and no delay at all. So now its down I assume they are fixing it and it will be much better. If you can't access your site from waiting for at least 1 hour.
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    ? Wrong ID, Wrong PWD?
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    account not created

    Yes, Check you email! You will get two email If you get the first one thats mean....
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    Free and Paid Hosting

    For paid hosting you will be move to another server which will be faster because not too many people are using paid hosting on x10. You can post copyright stuff, like porn. And I don't really know because I never use it, sorry. Hope This Help. Oh, one more thing using paid hosting will...
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    server down?

    Me too, just need to wait