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    Apache Great Success, Getting No Support

    If you want a new host just go and get one, But I can tell nothing is better than x10 And right now x10 is fixing the problem.
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    Ftp error

    I don't know about you guys but mine has been working fine, always normal!
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    Linking issues / delete acc

    No, the new account should be sent to your email and both of your account will be banned cause you are having two account. The best you can do right now is go to And tell them that you have two account and you are sorry and want to delete one account
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    Just wait they are fixing it
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    my website doesn't work anymore:(

    Right, now it should be working faster than about 3-4 days ago. Mine got a very long delay but the speed is getting faster.
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    twitter API posting

    Here you go. Put your username, passoword and message you want to post. Or you can use post method Read more here
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    each change Server is a time delete our files

    Try deleting all of it and upload again that what I always do.
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    What do I do now?

    This is still x10 problem please just wait. When you account is ready you will get this email.
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    403 Forbidden on my own server?

    Try moding /eventidesun/forum/index.php to 755. If you fail try mod it to 777. And not every answer is the support!!!!!!!!
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    [10 credits/post] Finding an Author

    Sorry, ^ ^. guess 10 is too little no one seem to be interested.
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    Files Missing

    Maybe you upload your file when they are restoring! I am guessing. I don't know how does the backup system of x10 work.
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    Ftp error

    "Response: 421 Too many connections (1) from this IP"
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    Which PC Brand?

    Am using HP its an dv6000 its a bit old but I love it. I just upgrade it to 1.5GB of ram cause Vista is killing it.
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    Problem whit phpbb3 and else

    You will need to wait, and now you will need to wait(a long long time) Cause they are fixing the server.
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    [10 credits/post] Finding an Author

    It may sound very low but still, If you post 3 per day you will get 30. 30 days = 900! Work like a paid blog system. First goto And Register there. Post your username here on this topic and post a comment here Then I...
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    Email on Absolut.x10

    what do you mean?
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    When i'll get my login details?

    NO, they are fixing the server so they dont want the load to be high ^ ^. Hope you get it soon.
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    When i'll get my login details?

    You will need to wait! It take real long cause they are limiting the number of account.
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    Ftp error

    That's mean you have to many connect from that IP :) Just wait!
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    PHP Upgrade Problem

    Funny, mine is from advance to imp. Guess its going down by one.