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  1. N

    We have disallowed sign ups from your internet provider due to abuse. Why!?

    Oh, I didn't know it... Because, I have 3 accounts and I didn't read anything about that.... Can somebody delete that account... ( if I can't use that, at least, I think that the best thing is the deletion because it takes a place that a future user can use for his or her...
  2. N

    We have disallowed sign ups from your internet provider due to abuse. Why!?

    Can you do something to set it? I want to use it, if you can the account's email is, if you want to compare it with other account I have is
  3. N

    We have disallowed sign ups from your internet provider due to abuse. Why!?

    Hi, well I want to create another web (yes, well, I only have 3 or 4, and I don't know if this is a problem) and well, I can't create it... So, I send a mail to a friend saying that, please, create an account there for me... But, for some reason, a time created, I can't login because when It...
  4. N

    I misstyped the main domain name and I want to change it

    I solved it... Only I change the email, and I recreated the acc. with the right path...
  5. N

    I misstyped the main domain name and I want to change it

    Hi, well yes I sing up today and I misstyped the name of my web, I want to change it from Dynawarn to Dynawars... The email I use is Thanks. Bye.
  6. N

    Session disable by a bugged script (that refheses the web all time sending a form)

    Hi, says that 503 were solved. But I have the same problem as 2 days ago. Sessions were disabled. :-( Maybe it happens because the disk is near full? Or that problem was solved too?
  7. N

    Session disable by a bugged script (that refheses the web all time sending a form)

    Oh, thanks I didn't know nothing about this page. And why I can access to my FTP account? Normally when that errors appear I couldn't connect to any site. :-/
  8. N

    Session disable by a bugged script (that refheses the web all time sending a form)

    Hi, thanks for the response leafypiggy, I don't want to be nagging, but when the server will be OK? Thanks. Bye.
  9. N

    Session disable by a bugged script (that refheses the web all time sending a form)

    Hi, first thanks for the response... Well, I think that it was disabled by the massive refeshes to the web... There are the errors that you say: I check those lines on the code, it was session_start(); Other times page throw me an 503 error, and other items Google Chrome can't found the...
  10. N

    Session disable by a bugged script (that refheses the web all time sending a form)

    Hi, I made a script that send a form every time that a cookie changed, but there was a problem with it. And the page refreshes all the time... I created it 2 days ago and I realised of that yesterday... When I went into the page 503 Errors appear, 100% of disk usage was active... And well...
  11. N

    FTP: 421 50 users (the maximum) error

    It happens to me too... :/
  12. N

    The filesystem mounted at / on this server is running out of disk space.

    Hi, well I haven't been doing anything out of the ordinary.. But out of the blue I see that error: I only was doing a mod for my script... And that happens I don't know why, and I don't know neither why it happens, what it means... So some help, to solve this strange error? Thanks a lot! Bye. :/
  13. N

    Somebody is attacking me with DDos, What can I do? D:

    Other guy has threatened me soon. He will attack my web soon. And I don't find the option that you have said. :/
  14. N

    Somebody is attacking me with DDos, What can I do? D:

    Hi! Well, I have a huge problem, somebody is attacking me with DDos, I have attacker's IP, but Idk what can I do? Somebody suggest me something to try? Here is the problem: :(:(:(:( I need some help, plz... Bye.:banghead: