Yeah, Varnish Cache doesn't actually natively support SSL. Never thought of that. It looks like there's only an implementation of SSL in Varnish Cache Plus.
The responsive layout of these forums on my Nexus 5 (and other phones too, I'm sure) is messed up and is really hard to read. Could you fix the layout so posts actually fit the screen width?
Millions of passwords were apparently stored in plaintext. 000WebHost hasn't made any comment, but continues to upsell their premium services.
Peer5 should work, it's an HTML5 P2P downloader. The problem is that it doesn't like Varnish, so you'd need another web host unless you can somehow get x10Hosting to completely disable it on your site.
Hi, I'd like to link my cPanel accont with my x10Hosting forums account, but when I do, I get a vague error message - "A fatal error has occurred". Could someone manually link my cPanel account, bmccoyx2, with my forum account please?