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  1. R

    - The sql-mode strict_trans_tables is enabled in your mysql server, please contact your host provider to disable it.

    Sorry to revive an old thread, but what hosting services is this allowed on? Anything else except free? Thanks!
  2. R

    VTiger Outgoing Server: Mail Server Settings (SMTP)

    Nevermind - I got it - I just put in the server address by itself with no other jargon needed. For those who need in the future, that's the part of your web site address where your control panel is located. Looks like:
  3. R

    VTiger Outgoing Server: Mail Server Settings (SMTP)

    OK thank you; however, I did use other and I tried to put in x10hosting server name. I only showed you that GMAIL format to show you what it looks like if you select Gmail. What should I put in the server type to match your suggested localhost/server address - what (exactly) should the format...
  4. R

    VTiger Outgoing Server: Mail Server Settings (SMTP)

    Thank you! So, I've tried to do that, but I'm still getting error/failure. Maybe I just don't udnerstand how to put the configuration in x10host speak? What would you put here in vTiger's outgoing server configuration settings to make the email work with x10hosting email? Server Type...
  5. R

    VTiger Outgoing Server: Mail Server Settings (SMTP)

    Hello - x10hosting allows for VTiger to be installed natively through the Softalicious installer. VTiger allows for emails to be sent through different services using the built in Outgoing Server configuration. One of the Server Type options is Gmail. It uses the server name...
  6. R

    Important Multi-Account Unblock Requests

    Hello - how can I retrieve the files please? Can you unlock so I can get them? E7343AF9DD41A209E
  7. R

    Resolved Site lost in migration? Error opening site and cPanel - please help.

    Hello, I am aware that there was a migration and issues with some sites not loading properly after the migration. My site is When loaded it simply shows: "Apache is functioning normally" and nothing else. Also, when clicking on the Open cPanel button I get...