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  1. Bloodshot

    Update Main Domain

    Done, thanks!
  2. Bloodshot

    Update Main Domain

    That works, thanks!
  3. Bloodshot

    Update Main Domain

    Can I get
  4. Bloodshot

    Update Main Domain

    Hello, My main domain was previously configured to a custom domain which I have chosen not to renew and my site has become unaccessible. How can I update it to use a different custom domain? Thanks!
  5. Bloodshot

    Forum Name Change Requests

    New name: Darklighter (if possible, the current darklighter account is clearly not in use)
  6. Bloodshot

    cPanel Login

    I am having trouble logging into cPanel. I even tried updating my password, but am getting a "Login Attempt Failed!" error every time.
  7. Bloodshot


    Hello, I need a CNAME set up for to point to for the google email app. I believe that's all that needs to be done for it to work. Thanks!
  8. Bloodshot


    Okami is one of those games I intended to pick up but never got around to. Maybe this summer, after I beat several of the games I already have sitting on the shelf.
  9. Bloodshot

    The Settler's vs Age Of Empires

    What's The Settlers about? I've never heard of it before.
  10. Bloodshot

    Super Smash bros!

    I believe you can only change the game mode in wi-fi if you're playing with friends.
  11. Bloodshot

    Adding a Domain

    Hello, I just purchased the domain for my site at I want everything on my site to be rather than parking it for a redirect. I added it as my own domain name in account management, but when you go there it brings up the Great Success !Apache...
  12. Bloodshot

    Steam Promo for NVIDIA Gamers

    For those of you who have NVIDIA graphics cards, steam is offering free downloads of Portal: First Slice, HL2: Deathmatch, HL2: Lost Coast, and Peggle Extreme. If your card is made by ATI, there is an old promo running for that which gets you HL2: Deathmatch...
  13. Bloodshot

    Another new member

    I decided at the beginning of the summer that making a website would be a fun project. Unfortunately, the free host that I decided on began disabling features and forcing you to pay for them individually. When they cut off the MySQL databases I left. A few weeks later, being the cheapskate that...