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  1. S

    reset help revisited

    I changed the main account in account Manager to the new one but the Cpanel only displays the old one a a domain name with no reference to the new domain.
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    reset help revisited

    Thats what I did before but still the main domain changed in account manager did not flow into Cpanel. That is why I am begging one of the admin managers to reset it with the domain change...
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    reset help revisited

    Sorry to repost but previous rhread was closed.. Spoke too soon I checked both with the www and without both lead to the directory. Tried to install wordpress through Fantastico and got a couple of error messages and it planted it into the original domain name and would...
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    Reset Help

    Spoke too soon I checked both with the www and without both lead to the directory. Tried to install wordpress through Fantastico and got a couple of error messages and it planted it into the original domain name and would not allow the option of just putting it in the new...
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    Reset Help

    Much quicker than 24 hrs it only took 30 min or so and finally all sorted. Thanks all for your patience and help..
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    Reset Help

    I over wrote the incorrect ones..and whois only shows the correct ones to me????
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    Reset Help

    Okay changed the Nameservers and the show up in whois correctly how do I change from here???? dropping the www. displays the directory but including it returns an error in the browser.. Using the old domain with or without the www opens the root directory with the new domains sub directory in it
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    Reset Help

    Thats what I already did change the account panel main domain to the new name but it hasn't flowed into cpanel after a few hours..... If i try to change the original one in Cpanel to parked it gives an error that I cant because it is my main domain?????
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    Reset Help

    Sorry for being so dumb but I was set up as and want to change to but cant remove the original from the cpanel tried setting up as a addon but then when entering its url in the browser it opens as...
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    Reset Help

    Okay I cleared everything and changed my main domain name in account management system but cpanel still shows the old main domain name and I want to change the user/home directory name.
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    Reset Help

    The main problem is the install of Wordpress was done under fantastico and that no longer seems to function in being able to access installations. I want to start with a clean slate and set up a new domain name that I have registered...
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    Reset Help

    But it is a Ad free account with double storage and no posting adjustment. I really want to just start from scratch on the site with the existing domain.
  13. S

    Reset Help

    Could you please reset my account to virgin state but maintain Domain name? Thanks