Sorry to repost but previous rhread was closed..
Spoke too soon I checked both with the www and without both lead to the directory.
Tried to install wordpress through Fantastico and got a couple of error messages and it planted it into the original domain name and would not allow the option of just putting it in the new domain name. I am starting to get very frustrated and just want to get a clean reset to my account and start again, I realise people are saying delete the account and re register but I want to get use of the payments maade for add free and double storage and not pay again for someting I have not had use of. Please can one of the admins reset the account, remove any links to and set it up with PLEEEEAAASSEEEE
Spoke too soon I checked both with the www and without both lead to the directory.
Tried to install wordpress through Fantastico and got a couple of error messages and it planted it into the original domain name and would not allow the option of just putting it in the new domain name. I am starting to get very frustrated and just want to get a clean reset to my account and start again, I realise people are saying delete the account and re register but I want to get use of the payments maade for add free and double storage and not pay again for someting I have not had use of. Please can one of the admins reset the account, remove any links to and set it up with PLEEEEAAASSEEEE