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  1. drnessie

    Please un-suspend me

    Has anyone ever told you how much I love x10? and the CEO of x10? and you? and the fact that I have literally been revived from 6+ months of hard webdev going down the drain? *backup to dropbox, being sent halfway across the internet* *printing ToS* Thankyou!
  2. drnessie

    Please un-suspend me

    Being under no obligation doesn't mean it can't happen! Please?
  3. drnessie

    Please un-suspend me

    I figured you were probably covered but I thought it was worth a shot. I'll leave you to reach a decision - unless, of course you already have? PS: Section 6, System Backups:
  4. drnessie

    Please un-suspend me

    Again, sorry for what has happened. I realise I would be really lucky to get what I want. I've read the terms, backups are my responsibility, and that's a shame. However I also read that you keep backups without permission. Is this not against the Data Protection Act? (However, I do feel glad...
  5. drnessie

    Please un-suspend me

    Look, I'm sorry. I understand. But can an admin please send me a .zip with the site contents or something? a lot of work went into that! I even paid for prime and everything! I'm not some random leech! What if I paid some sort of fee?
  6. drnessie

    Please un-suspend me

    I'm very sorry. I did not realise that proxies were not aloud - indeed, i thought it was the only way to do what I wanted to do (show some youtube content on one of my pages) SO,please can you unsuspend?
  7. drnessie

    Error on HTTP but not FTP

    When trying to acess (on x10 Prime) I am disappointed to find it not working. However ftp access is fine.
  8. drnessie

    Stoli server not loading web pages

    cPanel and my website aren't loading. cPanel begins to load, however.
  9. drnessie

    Unable to upload files using PHP?

    I want to upload some files: not as a file sharing site but for a project at school. Is it possible? I get this error: Warning: copy() [function.copy]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File() is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/:/tmp) in /home/drnessie/public_html/scratch/submit.php...
  10. drnessie

    Running .cgi scripts under cgi-bin?

    Is there another way to create a mailing list that won't be blocked?
  11. drnessie

    Running .cgi scripts under cgi-bin?

    When I try to run a .cgi script which is under cgi-bin, it tells me permission denied. I have set chmod to 777. When I access the directory above it, it shows me the directory contents. The script I am trying to access is the DaddyMail installer.cgi script. dadamail can be found here and my...
  12. drnessie

    How to get my .com website to point to my domain

    I bought a .com website but made the mistake of buying it through google apps. Now I have access to the DNS settings but I am a n00b at this sort of stuff and need to know how to add a CNAME and set the host to my account. it is and my website is