Again, sorry for what has happened. I realise I would be really lucky to get what I want. I've read the terms, backups are my responsibility, and that's a shame. However I also read that you keep backups without permission. Is this not against the Data Protection Act? (However, I do feel glad that you've done it at the moment).
I noticed that under section 2, for High Resources, you mention that:
Customers may be offered an option whereby x10Hosting continues hosting the website for an additional fee.
I was wondering if the same kind of thing can be offered to me?
Nowhere did I see a zero-tolerance for proxies, just that they were not allowed. I've been punished - probably lost a few customers. Now please give me a backup!
Do I need to mention that there was no specific x10Prime ToS, and therefore I am being generous even making these claims under the FREE hosting?
I repeat, please can I have a backup, or some other kind of refund / un-suspension ( on the terms that I instantly delete the /proxy URL that seemed to get me suspended in the first place).
I'm sorry, Je regrette, Lo siento. Please.