Search results

  1. M

    mysql database disapeared

    before the server went down i had a database for my forum now its not showing up on cpanel and of course my forum gives me an error. Are they still doing restores? Though the database wasn't that important being that i barely had any users though it would be nice if the mysql database for my...
  2. M

    My site is down!!!

    I'm on boru and I can't go to my site in my browser I think I can use ftp and login to cpanel but I can't go to the site right now. Please help!
  3. M

    Php include help

    I'm putting a walkthrough on my site so I'm making alot of files (not made yet) that means I need a new folder because my site isn't that big yet this is my first folder with files (other than my image folder) for my website I tried some includes and the one that uses a file in the same folder...
  4. M

    very poor service

    well you can't really complain about something that is free
  5. M

    Filezilla problem

    i fixed it i just switched the port to 22
  6. M

    Filezilla problem

    ----------------------------------------------------------- Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Resolving address of
  7. M

    Site not found

    can anyone help me in the thread
  8. M

    httpd (2.2.14 (Unix)) failed

    Yourserver is probabaly chopin and probably your account is one of those that are not successfully transferred to the new Server in recent Migrations. see for more info. and can sombody help me on...
  9. M

    Boru Database gone for 15 mins

    I'm on boru too
  10. M

    Filezilla problem

    I entered my ftp information from the cpanel on filezilla but it can't connect and my site is up so I have no idea what to do