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    Access denied.

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    Access denied.

    hi Anna, would you pleaase check it why I get "access denied" page after I log in to control panel ? please pm me if I have to give you my username and password. best regards,
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    Increasing disk space please

    DEAR team, would you please increase my disk space , it is too little 512 !!, thanks , kind regards,
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    Increase disk space

    dear admin, as we would like to install vtiger which is in accordance with general conditions (multilanguage, ...) , would you please increase our disk space. we tried to delete a huge amount of emails, but what remains, are really needed . I thank you in advance. max
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    my quota is full, also this of my email inbox

    dear, I saw that you already solved this issue on another server, would you please check it on my account and sove it. description: website: on ftp: I cann't add, any files, create directory, on site: site is up, but because my website create a session file , I get the message that the disk in...
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    INCREASE Disk Space Usage VOLUME

    Dear, would you please increase my Disk Space Usage, I see that is almost full. kind regards, max
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    My email onbox has been emptied !!!!

    Dear, rivght now, I noticed that all emails in inbox of my email account has been emptied. could you please help me to retrieve these emails, account. thanks, ---------- Post added at 03:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 PM ---------- i see also that the sent...
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    Unsuspending the account please

    DEAR, due to a holiday period I didn't log in to forum and the account has been inactivated, would you please reactivate it. kind regards,
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    Site and cpanel don't coming up

    HI, I see page not found when I try to go to my website or even in control panel page. error: Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage kind regards,
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    starka server certificate expired,

    dear sir when using contro panel, I get the message that the certificate of is expired. further, my zen cart website gives the error that cach folder is not writable while I checked it from FTP and file manager of cpanel, the permission is wel 777. my other...
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    account suspended ; request for reactivation

    dear; I received your suspension reason, we are going to correct our files, but as you mention that our website takes too much CPU, ..., we have a very simple website of the famous script zen-cart, all are php and html files, there are no special media, wave, real time scripts, and the traffic...
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    ACCOUNT SUSPENDED DUE to inactivity in forum

    hi thanks, now it is clear for me. so only log in even without need to post a thread is enough. could you please also answer to my other question regarding the suspension of the account. it is very urgent. we don't have any access to our email and it makes us now probleem !!! thank you
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    account suspended ; request for reactivation

    dear; I received your suspension reason, we are going to correct our files, but as you mention that our website takes too much CPU, ..., we have a very simple website of the famous script zen-cart, all are php and html files, there are no special media, wave, real time scripts, and the traffic...
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    ACCOUNT SUSPENDED DUE to inactivity in forum

    dear sir/madam I received your notification , but the problem is, that you expect that I stay active in the forum, while I don't have any permission to add a thread, give a reply, or even put a question!!! only log in to a forum while I can not be active doesn't make many sense; see below...
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    #php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off

    PLEASE, can somebody help me to solve this problem. you can see the situation on de website: I used htaccess with gpc on but then the site doesn't load using htaccess, so is there any other way to overcome it? this error make also the loading od the site what slower.
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    #php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off

    HI, I use mahara 1.3.3. on my domein. I read that realier by requesting to ugrad to higher php we may solve this problem, but as I heard that now in 2010 so, all the servers also mine (starka) is running on latest php version, so how can I use php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off without disturbation...
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    The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.

    Excuse me, is there nobody who can say me what should I do? I have a site that every 5 minutes gives mysql disconnected, every half hour I get "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable", and then beomes okay, PLease, I really thank you for the free services, but if really there...
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    The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.

    YOU know, that is why I am asking me how you (this team) are nice peoples to help and solve the problem indivually. let us solve the problem of curl some later, I use zencart installed op , admin folder renamed to pipi, but now i have problem that no page of de site are not loaded...
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    The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.

    thanks, so do you mean that I stay with X10hosting and don't go away from it? Is there any hope for? we work with online registration and online orders, even if curl is not enables on the server, but disruption makes all of our relationship with the custoers in danger.
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    The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.

    server status (starka server) is almost down hi would you please let me know where can I see the status of the server starka, it is always down, I get either page not found, try later...,or internal server error page 500, sometimes I get only first html page hich is loss from mysql and php...