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  1. U

    "No suitable nodes are available to serve your request."

    That is at least some good news... ;) My problem still doesn't go away. All I can see without a problem is my account page, when I try to go to WP admin or the site itself I always get the same odd message. I just tried again with Chrome and Firefox, both give the same result. I have nothing...
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    "No suitable nodes are available to serve your request."

    For many days now this is the only thing I receive when I try to reach my website According to the account page everything is ok. so what is the problem? Thks for your help
  3. U

    Security update wordpress 3.0.5 impossible on free account

    After three rounds of suspension and reactivation I wanted to give up, but mysteriously suddenly the upgraded wordpress version showed up as installed. Looks like there was just enough time at last for the upgrade process to slip through before suspension hit again.
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    Security update wordpress 3.0.5 impossible on free account

    Just tried this automatic wordpress security update on my free account, but I got suspended twice for excessive use of system resources. Looks like it involves a database update that runs for some time. Shouldn't this be possible (for security reasons) somehow without upgrading to a paid...
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    Count to 1 Million

    2721 - How come this is post #2722 :confused:
  6. U

    IE 9 RC is available.

    Is there a download link?