- Messages
- 5,508
- Reaction score
- 35
- Points
- 48
still doesen't work
$c = mysql_connect("host","user","pass");
if (!$c)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
echo "I Connected";
$db = mysql_select_db("database", $c);
if (!$db)
die ("Cant Select : " . mysql_error());
echo "Im Connected and selected";
Dynamic Star Rating Redux
Developed by Jordan Boesch
Licensed under Creative Commons - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/ca/
Used CSS from komodomedia.com.
$c = mysql_connect("mysql.x10hosting","viggeswe_vigswe","*my password*");
if (!$c)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
$db = mysql_select_db("viggeswe_phpbb", $c);
if (!$db)
die ("Cant Select : " . mysql_error());
function getRating($id){
$total = 0;
$rows = 0;
$sel = mysql_query("SELECT rating_num FROM ratings WHERE rating_id = '$id'");
if(mysql_num_rows($sel) > 0){
while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($sel)){
$total = $total + $data['rating_num'];
$perc = ($total/$rows) * 20;
//$newPerc = round($perc/5)*5;
//return $newPerc.'%';
$newPerc = round($perc,2);
return $newPerc.'%';
} else {
return '0%';
function outOfFive($id){
$total = 0;
$rows = 0;
$sel = mysql_query("SELECT rating_num FROM ratings WHERE rating_id = '$id'");
if(mysql_num_rows($sel) > 0){
while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($sel)){
$total = $total + $data['rating_num'];
$perc = ($total/$rows);
return round($perc,2);
//return round(($perc*2), 0)/2; // 3.5
} else {
return '0';
function getVotes($id){
$sel = mysql_query("SELECT rating_num FROM ratings WHERE rating_id = '$id'");
$rows = mysql_num_rows($sel);
if($rows == 0){
$votes = '0 Votes';
else if($rows == 1){
$votes = '1 Vote';
} else {
$votes = $rows.' Votes';
return $votes;
function pullRating($id,$show5 = false, $showPerc = false, $showVotes = false, $static = NULL){
// Check if they have already voted...
$sel = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM ratings WHERE IP = '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."' AND rating_id = '$id'");
if(mysql_num_rows($sel) > 0 || $static == 'novote' || $_COOKIE['has_voted_'.$id]){
$text = '';
if($show5 || $showPerc || $showVotes){
$text .= '<div class="rated_text">';
$text .= 'Rated <span id="outOfFive_'.$id.'" class="out5Class">'.outOfFive($id).'</span>/5';
$text .= ' (<span id="percentage_'.$id.'" class="percentClass">'.getRating($id).'</span>)';
$text .= ' (<span id="showvotes_'.$id.'" class="votesClass">'.getVotes($id).'</span>)';
if($show5 || $showPerc || $showVotes){
$text .= '</div>';
return $text.'
<ul class="star-rating2" id="rater_'.$id.'">
<li class="current-rating" style="width:'.getRating($id).';" id="ul_'.$id.'"></li>
<li><a onclick="return false;" href="#" title="1 star out of 5" class="one-star" >1</a></li>
<li><a onclick="return false;" href="#" title="2 stars out of 5" class="two-stars">2</a></li>
<li><a onclick="return false;" href="#" title="3 stars out of 5" class="three-stars">3</a></li>
<li><a onclick="return false;" href="#" title="4 stars out of 5" class="four-stars">4</a></li>
<li><a onclick="return false;" href="#" title="5 stars out of 5" class="five-stars">5</a></li>
<div id="loading_'.$id.'"></div>';
} else {
if($show5 || $showPerc || $showVotes){
$text .= '<div class="rated_text">';
$show5bool = 'true';
$text .= 'Rated <span id="outOfFive_'.$id.'" class="out5Class">'.outOfFive($id).'</span>/5';
} else {
$show5bool = 'false';
$showPercbool = 'true';
$text .= ' (<span id="percentage_'.$id.'" class="percentClass">'.getRating($id).'</span>)';
} else {
$showPercbool = 'false';
$showVotesbool = 'true';
$text .= ' (<span id="showvotes_'.$id.'" class="votesClass">'.getVotes($id).'</span>)';
} else {
$showVotesbool = 'false';
if($show5 || $showPerc || $showVotes){
$text .= '</div>';
return $text.'
<ul class="star-rating" id="rater_'.$id.'">
<li class="current-rating" style="width:'.getRating($id).';" id="ul_'.$id.'"></li>
<li><a onclick="rate(\'1\',\''.$id.'\','.$show5bool.','.$showPercbool.','.$showVotesbool.'); return false;" href="includes/rating_process.php?id='.$id.'&rating=1" title="1 star out of 5" class="one-star" >1</a></li>
<li><a onclick="rate(\'2\',\''.$id.'\','.$show5bool.','.$showPercbool.','.$showVotesbool.'); return false;" href="includes/rating_process.php?id='.$id.'&rating=2" title="2 stars out of 5" class="two-stars">2</a></li>
<li><a onclick="rate(\'3\',\''.$id.'\','.$show5bool.','.$showPercbool.','.$showVotesbool.'); return false;" href="includes/rating_process.php?id='.$id.'&rating=3" title="3 stars out of 5" class="three-stars">3</a></li>
<li><a onclick="rate(\'4\',\''.$id.'\','.$show5bool.','.$showPercbool.','.$showVotesbool.'); return false;" href="includes/rating_process.php?id='.$id.'&rating=4" title="4 stars out of 5" class="four-stars">4</a></li>
<li><a onclick="rate(\'5\',\''.$id.'\','.$show5bool.','.$showPercbool.','.$showVotesbool.'); return false;" href="includes/rating_process.php?id='.$id.'&rating=5" title="5 stars out of 5" class="five-stars">5</a></li>
<div id="loading_'.$id.'"></div>';
// Added in version 1.5
function getTopRated($limit, $table, $idfield, $namefield){
$result = '';
$sql = "SELECT ratings.rating_id,".$table.".".$namefield." as thenamefield,ROUND(AVG(ratings.rating_num),2) as rating
FROM ratings,".$table." WHERE ".$table.".".$idfield." = ratings.rating_id GROUP BY rating_id
ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT ".$limit."";
$sel = mysql_query($sql);
$result .= '<ul class="topRatedList">'."\n";
while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($sel)){
$result .= '<li>'.$data['thenamefield'].' ('.$data['rating'].')</li>'."\n";
$result .= '</ul>'."\n";
return $result;
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<div class="descr">nov 17, 2007 by vigge_sWe </div>
<p>Welcome to our flash section! We have all kinds of flash games. It is only to play them! When you're already here, please think about joining our forum <a href="http://jagf.pcriot.com" target="_blank">here!</a></p>
<div class="item">
<div class="descr">nov 18, 2007 by vigge_sWe </div>
I am aware of that some games aren't showing right. This is because they were too big so it messed up the style. Theese games is still playable. </div>
<div class="item">
<h1>Top ten</h1>
<?php echo getTopRated(10,'ratings','rating_id','rating_title'); ?>
<?php var_dump($dbuser); ?>
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<?php echo getTopRated(10,'ratings','rating_id','rating_title'); ?>
<?php include("includes/rating_functions.php"); ?>
Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/viggeswe/public_html/flash/includes/rating_functions.php on line 208