Best if I list things out.
1. The intention of mod_security2 is to protect websites. Attacks are often recognised by string patterns. It also handles code that is seen as broken in some way.
Of course, just because there is a match doesn't mean that it's an attack.
2. Due to the amount of not well protected sites that typcially go up on free hosting, something like this has to be there with a strict ruleset. In no way is the intention of this is to get users to migrate to a more premium package that would be way less strict.
Granted, there are going to be such sites on any paid host but it's not as bad.
3. Not everyone is going to get the memo about securing their sites, unfortunately.
1. The intention of mod_security2 is to protect websites. Attacks are often recognised by string patterns. It also handles code that is seen as broken in some way.
Of course, just because there is a match doesn't mean that it's an attack.
2. Due to the amount of not well protected sites that typcially go up on free hosting, something like this has to be there with a strict ruleset. In no way is the intention of this is to get users to migrate to a more premium package that would be way less strict.
Granted, there are going to be such sites on any paid host but it's not as bad.
3. Not everyone is going to get the memo about securing their sites, unfortunately.