Account Deleted

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I am extremely upset. My account was suspended for inactivity for at least the last 2 months through no fault of my own. On numerous occasions in July and August, I spent time on the forums, and on numerous occasions I submitted an automatic unsuspension request (at least 7-8 times). Occasionally I would be told that there was an error submitting the request, while occasionally it would say request submitted, and I would wait, and nothing would occur. Finally I posted my issue on the forums, and I'm told "Your account was not restored from the backups after recent server moves because you never requested. The last opportunity has already passed and we cannot restore the account." I was never informed about the move, but more importantly, I was constantly requesting that the account be restored, and nothing happened. Is my account truly deleted?? I am very disgusted at the entire X10 hosting experience.


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Yes. Because you didn't follow the news and announcements forum, you missed the post about when to request the restore of your account. The time period from the first announcement about it was from July 27th to Aug 11th. After that time period was closed, all accounts not requested for restore were deleted and all the backups were deleted from the server move.

Also, when and how were you constantly requesting a restore? This is only your second post and your first one informed you of the bad news.

You can sign up for a new account and upload any backups that you have of your site to that new account at any time.


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Thanks for the reply. I was not constantly requesting a restore from the server. I was submitting an automatic unsuspension request. My account home did not mention anything about requiring a restore from the server, the News forum notwithstanding. Furthermore, why would you only provide 2 weeks to be restored without saving a backup on your servers? This does not make any sense to me. If my account had not gone through the auto-suspend, would I still have to have requested a restore or would it have been automatically preserved?
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The auto-suspend applied to every single free hosting account back then because everyone in free hosting was moved to a new server. Therefore, there is no "if it hadn't been auto-suspended". The reason why you had to request a restore when staff said it was okay was because they wanted to eliminate inactive accounts. They have been announcing free hosting news like this in the news forum for years now, and it's adequate to inform you of what's going on if you'd been visiting the forums frequently during recent server moves and the restore request time.

Furthermore, why would you only provide 2 weeks to be restored without saving a backup on your servers? This does not make any sense to me.

You're right, your assumption doesn't make any sense. Staff DID have a backup to restore the sites that were requested before the deadline in those 2 weeks. When Corey (x10hosting owner and CEO) posted news about the deadline, he and the staff worked very hard on thousands of requests to restore accounts, and then deleted the remaining backups at the cut off date. The server that had the previous backup was needed for new backups, not old ones.

Again, feel free to sign up for a new free hosting account if you so wish.


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Once again, I appreciate your taking the time to discuss this with me and I apologize if my first post sounded accusatory. Having only joined this hosting site toward the end of last year, I was entirely unaware as to the level of active management that is required to maintain my account. Since the web site I created is needed by me and my users more frequently at certain times of the year than others, there were 1 or 2 prior occasions when my site was automatically suspended for forum inactivity. At the most recent suspension, since I didn't need the site immediately, I tried a number of times to auto-unsuspend without thinking anything of it until I really needed the site, at which point I submitted a support request. What surprised me about the server move is that this was not listed at all on the main page I start with when I log in to my account. It provided the same reason for the suspension that I have had in the past, along with an option to auto-unsuspend. Each time I clicked on the auto-unsuspend request it said my request was submitted. I probably should have seen the news on the forums, but why should I have been required to realize that clicking on the auto-unsuspend request wouldn't work, even though I was being told that my request was submitted??

Don't take this the wrong way, but if I were running X10, I would have sent users of inactive free accounts an email about the impending move, or at the very least, made it clear on the account page that they could not submit an auto-unsuspend request without submitting a support request. Finally, I would never have deleted accounts that were used within the 2 months prior to the server move, which clearly should not be considered "inactive." The reason I am so upset is that I do not have a full backup to the site code, which I spent many hours building, and I definitely do not have the SQL database I was using backed up. Being somewhat of a web design newbie, I probably should have done so on my own computer, but I suppose that I assumed that X10 did their own backups. I never dreamed that my entire account would just be erased. If there's nothing you can do, then so be it, but I no longer plan on using your services in the future, given what I perceive as a very poor user experience.


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I'm very sorry for your poor experience with x10hosting due to not reading and understanding the TOS you agreed to when you signed up.

From TOS:
6. System Backups

Backups are the sole responsibility of the customer. x10Hosting retains and offers backups to the customer but does not guarantee this service from failure. It is recommended all customers keep their own backups.

7. Inactivity

Accounts found to be inactive are suspended for a 14 day period and then terminated. All data including any type of backup or stored information is removed with the account. To prevent an account from being suspended for inactivity it is required users visit the x10Hosting forums located at at least ONCE every 31 days. Accounts must also have a working website within one week.

If my account was suspended for inactivity, I wouldn't wait 2 months to submit a support request. You were completely responsible for keeping up with current news and announcements, and informing free hosting support of your situation in a timely manner due to the inactivity policy. Thank you for using x10hosting!


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I don't remember how long it was suspended for; it was probably more like 2-3 weeks (I was being conservative in my estimate by saying that it was used within the last 2 months). Anyway, I explained to you in my post why I didn't need to have my site up every minute. Take care.
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