Thank you, Anna, I just figured that out through my searching. I also understand that the suspension is permanent.
The thing is, it was an honest mistake on my part for not thinking to check the TOS. You folks should know as well as anyone the people skim over that stuff (if they read it at all) when they sign up - and then forget most of it. The chat was originally placed there, WELL OVER A YEAR AGO, as a non-published testbed site for a forum I run on another privately hosted site. After a time I opened it up to a small group of shortwave radio enthusiasts who have only intermittently used, it as a courtesy to the group.
The chat is no great loss to me, it was very unreliable during the times the gents really wanted to use it, i.e., over the holiday times. I would remove it, given the chance. What really bothers me is this draconian suspension with no warning or recourse. My site is a low traffic site with information for ham radio operators that, despite it's low traffic, does get a fair amount of attention worldwide (and has even been mentioned in a international technical magazine) - a total of over 2800 unique visitors over three years. That may be small potatos to some, but these are mostly technically inclined adults who have purpose and mission. I shouldn't need to point out that this generates favorable attention for X10. I have also promoted X10 to friends and associates worldwide, and even joined the affiliate program that seems to have disappeared. I have not hosted p0rn or warez, illegal music or other questionable content, or put up sites that attract kids, gamers, social networking addicts, spammers, political hacks, bloggers, or any other high volume or low social value content. IOW, I've been a good user.
So, first you loose all my files in the server move. OK, I recovered from that. Now, this. If you want to consider this an appeal, fine. I'll hold off judgment for a few days. It would be inconvenient for me to move my content to a new site. I would prefer to stay where I am, if possible. However, if this is the final word, I doubt that I will have anything good to say about X10 management for the forseeable future.
Nothing personal.