Resolved 'Apache is functioning normally' and unable to use any admin

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We actually purged accounts where there was no login made in the past 60 days (the requirement as per ToS is to login once every 30 days), but since we purged without suspending first, we allow a grace period where the accounts can be restored if asked within a week from when termination was made for these accounts.

Your account should now be sorted, please let me know if you find anything that isn't working properly.

Off topic but I found your response after someone PM'ed me about this issue. Does this 30day login also apply to those who purchased the Prime for a one time fee years ago. It removed the login requirement but I do know that it was a while ago when it was a thing and since we have been grandfathered in.

My site is working fine and is not having any issues, just a question on the policy is all.


Community Support
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Prime membership has not been available for purchase since 2014, with status ending in 2015. The switch to DirectAdmin caused all accounts with prime or illuminated (which is also not available since 2014) to be moved to regular accounts. Please PM me directly if you were charged for prime membership for this year so I can inform the administrators of your situation.


I am just me
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Prime was not a one time fee and keep it forever, if I recall right it was something you paid for a year (or maybe a few months) at a time and would have had to be renewed to keep active.

The plan has not been offered for a long time, though I have been told that users already on it that kept paying could keep the plan. So yes, unless you paid for it in the last year, the plan would have been expired and normal login requirements should be applied to the account.

For the record, your account does not have any note about being a prime account at this time.

I did take a look on the server though, since judging from when you last logged into the account prior to today you could very well have been affected by the purge as last login was end of December. I noticed one of your domains uses cloudflare, have you updated the IP at their end to reflect the new server you are on?


New Member
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Prime was not a one time fee and keep it forever, if I recall right it was something you paid for a year (or maybe a few months) at a time and would have had to be renewed to keep active.

The plan has not been offered for a long time, though I have been told that users already on it that kept paying could keep the plan. So yes, unless you paid for it in the last year, the plan would have been expired and normal login requirements should be applied to the account.

For the record, your account does not have any note about being a prime account at this time.

I did take a look on the server though, since judging from when you last logged into the account prior to today you could very well have been affected by the purge as last login was end of December. I noticed one of your domains uses cloudflare, have you updated the IP at their end to reflect the new server you are on?
I did change when the merger happened. So far I still have access to Cpannel and my website is still online. I will make sure going forward to log in every week to satisfy the requirement.

Edit: By cPannel I mean whatever replaced cPannel.
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