File Storage refers to using your account for the storage of files that are not related to (used by) the website(s) you are running. If the files relate to your website(s) (That is they are photos/videos that are used on your site, the script files themselves, and other downloads that directly pertain to your website(s)), then they do not fall under "file storage." Certain things are still not allowed even if they are used on your site, such as anything considered illegal under US law, mirrors (hosting copies of downloads available elsewhere), and game file hosting (such as custom mods, maps, etc. that you did not directly make -- if you made the mod/map yourself and are selling it/giving it away, then that is allowed within reason -- try to keep it to a reasonable amount of disk space; keep in mind you ARE sharing the server with thousands of other users). Flash arcades do not count as file storage as long as the arcade is actually accessible on your website(s).