Better information on the server migration


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I would like to suggest having more information posted to the News and announcements thread on the server migration.

1. Yes I know this is free hosting, and some of you feel that those of us functioning on free servers don't have room to complain. However, I have built 6 sites on free servers in the last 6 months, 2 are now on VPS servers, 3 are on paid hosing programs, one is in development, and the my other site on the free servers is used as a testing ground for new features for the sites I build. Point blank, free servers upgrade to paid servers in some cases.

2. I have no new information to give to my clients on when I can have their site built. I don't have an ETA for migration completion. I cant tell them when I can begin developing their site again. I cant even tell them if their site will be up and ready to go by the time they have planned to announce that they now have a web site, and with no ETA, they cant even set a reschedule date for the press release.

3. Because of the lack of information, my Client is urging me to switch to a different host for their site. This translates to they will be paying someone else much more money for substandard services.

If I had some kind of information other than they are upgrading the free servers and migrating your site to a better server, they would be much more understanding. It is inconvenient to have this happen, but at least they would know why their site is not up, and would make arrangements to change the release date. Please provide us with more information so that we can continue to use x10 services.

This suggestion would also cut down on the support tickets and the forum moderators having to repeat themselves hundreds of times per day. Not to mention improving the general attitude changes that have taken place in the last 2 weeks in the free forums sections.

I believe you would also see an improvement in customer satisfaction. We know that SH** happens, Murphy's law stinks, and sometimes things are beyond your control, but keep us in the loop so your customers are not nipping at your heels on top of the issues you are dealing with trying to improve the services you provide.

Edit: Shortly after I posted this, there was an announcement that most accounts were transfered, and that there was difficulties with cPanel. We were also informed that this issue would be resolved as soon as cPanel got back to x10hosting. Thank you. This is the types of information that makes a difference. I was able to contact my client and let them know the updates, and this has made dealing with the client much easier. Please continue to provide information in a timely manner.
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New Member
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Thank you once again for the continued information on the server migrations. Because I have had info to relay to my client, things have been much smoother for everyone. Im sure that the moderators are seeing less and less inquiry in response to this issue.


Manager of Pens and Office Supplies
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Just to follow up on this: we don't have ETA's to give you because we honestly don't know.. We can guesstimate about how long it will take, but it'd probably get more people angry! :p

Thank you so much for understanding. You have no clue how much it means to all of us staff to have someone that understands! :)

I do agree, we should be updating y'all more, but we are literally giving you the information hot off the presses. We hold no info back, and give everything we find out in the staff forums. If we know something, you should have the right to know it too. It does however, get repetitive posting the same thing hundreds of times over. It's a simple equation really.

Migrations = problems = cPanel failing = unhappy users = frustrated staff dealing with frustrated users = high tensions = getting way too mad!


I ate all of the x10Pizza
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To build upon Leafypiggy's post, I run amongst the belief that giving ETAs tends to lead to rushed jobs and also to problems down the road. I know that x10hosting isn't rushing anything, but is having problems with software that no one has really hit problems with before simply due to how extreme the setup at this host is. But with my belief, when I do my computer work I don't work on deadlines. I work on doing the job right the first time and also on problem prevention. Outcome is always very good, but if deadlines are needed, I always ask for a few days to fix things up and to also test run it.