Business idea...original...profitable

John Klyne

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Okay, I'll get down to business.

I have come up with a business idea, related to website submittance (if that's a word)

PLEASE PRIVATE MESSAGE ME about more information.

Since what I have in mind doesn't currently exist, I'm not going to spam it on the forums.

What is is about? Basically it's a site. People register, for free...(we can change that later)...what happens within the site, is that the person registering, does something to what is on file on the site (that we create to offer this free or paid service).

People register, and only have to download a page we supply them with, and they must upload it to their site somewhere.

I can give more information through Private Message.

Please private message me, I know you'll be interested.

Thank you,
From John Klyne.


Community Paragon
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Okay, I'll get down to business.

I have come up with a business idea, related to website submittance (if that's a word)

PLEASE PRIVATE MESSAGE ME about more information.

Since what I have in mind doesn't currently exist, I'm not going to spam it on the forums.

What is is about? Basically it's a site. People register, for free...(we can change that later)...what happens within the site, is that the person registering, does something to what is on file on the site (that we create to offer this free or paid service).

People register, and only have to download a page we supply them with, and they must upload it to their site somewhere.

I can give more information through Private Message.

Please private message me, I know you'll be interested.

Thank you,
From John Klyne.

A web directory?

John Klyne

Community Advocate
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Nope...not a web directory.. Private Message me ? :)

"Admiral Awesome " ??? Nice Rank!
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Head of the Geese
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Enemy of the State
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My rank is better.

Also, companies have spent millions of hours trying to think of ways to make money on the internet. Chances are your idea is already in use in a form you don't recognize or theres some catch.

You say someone downloads a page and uploads it to their site? Thats not really the biggest market. Any kind of large advertising scheme will be fairly expensive to attract this small market. After you get their attention, simply getting them to click is allot of work. After that getting them to register and download is even more work.

John Klyne

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You're right companies do spend millions of hours trying to think of ways to make money...but do companies have people who day in and night, while trying to sleep come up with ways to make money?

I go to bed everynight with money signs, numbers, statistics, and ideas being developed. There is not 1 idea I come up with that doesn't make money, isn't original and not profitable.

This idea I came up with yesterday regards search engine optimization. Think of thousands of back links just by doing x. Think of your site link on thousands of sites by doing y.

Submit the information once, to the system, after you pay x, and every other sign up currently deals with you're site... To be honest, this does exist in a form...what I have in mind of adding, to it makes it different.

...Sometimes I wonder why I even try to share bits and pieces of what I know...people are within their nature quite skeptical. But what makes a millionaire from a mere Bob? The way their brains think. A millionaire has something within them that says "I don't care, I'm going to do it any way."

Example... Mark Zuckerburg, (founder/creator of ) What happened with him is this...he was creating a site ( so that people in his college could use it, and he kept on spreading the word saying things like "this'll be the best thing out there on the internet" or ... "through advertising it's going to be sooo profitable"....and then he added "help me create it, help me pay for it's creation and I'll pay you x %."

You know what happened???? Mark was working on it, and working on it, and working on it...the last time he ever asked for help for funding, it was to "Peter Thiel"....he said the same EXACT THINGS to Peter...and Peter was skeptical once again...

But what happened? Peter Thiel gave Mark Zuckerburg a chance. He said do x and I'll give you y. Do z and I'll give you a...

Meaning Peter Thiel was funding Facebook, in stages of completition. What else did Peter say? He said, when when nationwide... "I was skeptical....blah blah blah....but I saw some passion within him, that I saw within myself 10 years ago, and so I gave him a chance, just like the guy who helped me 10 years ago gave me a chance."

Peter Thiel if I'm not mistaken made a couple hundred million dollars from It was his best investment...and above that he invested only because he saw a spark within Mark Zuckerburg...

Who invested in PayPal??? The company Peter Thiel created?? A MAN, who saw that SAME EXACT SPARK in himself, in Peter Thiel...

Such skepticism such "I can't think outside the box" creates a normal individual with a normal job making average pay....

If YOU ARE NOT making at least $ 100,000.00 on the internet, where all you need is NOOOO SCRIPTING LANGUAGE you really need to look at what you lack, think outside that box and work towards a goal.