Yeah, I know this is a WEB hosting and not a file hosting, and I know very well the ToS (As web developer I have sold several websites hosted in x10[every website where my client didn't want to pay for a server] and I show them the ToS), but in the ToS says that file hosting is not allowed (except if files are needed for the website) but it doesn't say nothing about programs designed to do that but that aren't used like that. I mean, OwnCloud is a tool. Is Open source tool, so the main purpouse of owncloud is to provide users this tool to be modified and adapted to everyone's specific neededs. The ToS says:
"File Storage: Accounts are not to be used for file storage, your account will be permenantly suspended if found to be breaking this rule. Downloads are only allowed on your x10Hosting account if they have to do directly with your website. e.g. you developed custom software and are selling it or giving it away. Accounts may not be used for mirrors, game file hosting, or any other type of file hosting not specified here." And there is not any mention to programs which "may be used" to do that, because, like I said before, PhP or even html are systems capable to do that (I know a freely-user script isn't allowed too, I tried to mean that you can not forbid every system that allow it because php, html, java, etc are systems capables to do that), so at this moment, that doesn't seem a reasonable explanation for me. Of course, as free user, If you said directly: "We won't allow it, whatever it takes" I'll obbey you and be shutted up, but just, I don't understand yet why, If like I said before, it really dosen't violate the ToS and is as suitable to violate it as any other tool that should be allowed like php... and it's a very usefull tool for update your web content.
About the second message:
#1 lie, is a system to upload and download files. That files could be your own php,htma,jpg,psd, etc files to create your web page and modify it wherever you are without an ftp client (because, for example, my mobile phone hasn't ftp client).
#2 I don't understand what that sentence mean (I'm spaniard so I'm not reading it in my mohter language) but Does it mean that ownCloud has a range of a server and if it were installed, It'll be in every account of the server and involved everyone? IF its what it mean, It isn't true, owncloud is installed in your account, and it only uses one folder, the folder you choose, so If you choose your public-html folder, it will affect only your web page source files.
#3 I have explained before why this is not only for file hosting.