Your IP has been unblockedStill unable to access my websites and can't login. Been 3 days. My websites have been migrated.
Previous thread here.
My DirectAdmin account name is the same as my forum username.
Could you check if my IP has been blocked?Your IP has been unblocked
Your IP was indeed blocked.Could you check if my IP has been blocked?
Sounds like you would need to go to "Extra features"->"Select php version". With mysql_connect being a depreceted function you would need to make sure your version is 5.6, once you swicthed you need through the list of options and make sure mysql is one that is checked to be active for the version, and lastly click to make it your active version (needed if you have 5.6 and changes some settings as well).My site is down. I get the following message when I try to access it:
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]
mysql_connect function does not exist, is mysql extension installed? []
An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists.
Can someone help? The address of my site is:
^@ new49ers
when i try to visit your site i get
You don't have permission to access this resource.