No adbux or any of that sort. Should be posted in the "earning money" section.
No referrals for cash, if it's not cash, then you may post it along with a non-referral link.
No advertising other hosting websites.
If there is an offer for a new site please do not post a new thread with your referral link (check before you post).
Rep is not allowed to be traded for services, it may only be given if a post is helpful.
Please do not hijacking users thread. By this I mean posting in other threads in the marketplace "Please come to my offer as it is basically the same as this". Or anything to that effect.
If a staff member closes your thread and you reopen it, you will get a warning.
Close threads that the request/offer is finished.
Rep clubs not allowed!
Going off of the second one, it's not for cash, so you'd be okay, but it needs a non-referral underneath it.
Obviously if they sign up with the non-referral you're not obligated to pay the credits since the actual request wasn't fulfilled...
I'd still hang tight for a mod/admin to hit this up though. It's just enough in the gray zone that it's got me worried.