Sorry, but it looks like this hosting account is not associated with your forum account, "negativ4". Please could I ask that you post from the forum account "dcchelpe", just for verification purposes?
Thanks but it looks like is redirecting to which then redirects to the cpanel. Is this just a DNS cache or am I doing something wrong? I already updated the installation details.
I've changed my website details on the my details tab to reflect the domain change and the domains tab shows the correct domain but it still is a redirection chain. Can I get this fixed ASAP? I need this to go online today so it can be ready for tomorrow. Thanks.
Your website currently appears to be loading fine for me. If you are still having issues, it is possible that this is due to DNS propagation. You may be able to flush your DNS to hurry the process.
I am so sorry for bothering you so much for my stupidity. I updated the Wordpress config file but not the database so Wordpress was the one that was redirecting. I got it online 5 minutes ago and forgot to update this. So sorry.
Before Usain Bolt could run, he crawled.
We all start as newbs and make mistakes. Then we become experts and make spectacular mistakes.
The point is to not make the same mistake a second and third and fourth time.