It took me over 45 sec. to load, try to get it faster...
That's your connection, not the site. There are certainly problems with the site, but they have nothing to do with speed.
About those problems: one of them, at least, is that you designed it for your screen and your screen only. I have a wide monitor on my laptop (1920 px), and the centered content area sits right on top of your logo. That's because you designed for a screen that's probably 1600px wide, and the content sits between the little guy in the top-left corner and the Lionheart graphic in the lower right. On my monitor, the center area sits a little over 300 pixels farther right than you's planned. I don't like the menu either -- the graphic and text don't go together at all. The graphic means nothing (it's the same bayonnetted revolver for every item) and makes the text next to impossible to read. The semitransparent blue background for the menu bar just makes the problem worse. If you want a fixed top menu, make it opaque so that the content below is completely obscured. And yeah -- you need to break up that block of text and add some white space. I'd make it left-aligned rather than centered as well if it were me -- it's just plain easier to read that way.
(And yes, Frontpage is a problem, even if it's not the problem here. I think what Callum was trying to say is that it looks like you did the site in one go, rather than taking the time to give it a second or third look, taking usability into account, revising your assumptions along the way, asking for other people's opinions and so forth. I realise that's what you're doing right now, but it does seem that things like the menu's readability should have been pretty obvious.)