if(isset($_REQUEST["seek"]) and !empty($_REQUEST["seek"]) and strlen($_REQUEST["seek"]) >= $CONFIG['search_minlength'])
$seek = $_REQUEST["seek"];
else if(!isset($_REQUEST['id']) || empty($_REQUEST['id']))
$seek = "";
if (!empty($seek))
if(isUTF8($seek)) {
$seek = utf8_decode($seek);
$seek = strip_tags($seek);
$km =& get_manager("keyword");
$lm =& get_manager("link");
$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
$re = MyRewriteEngine::getInstance();
$my_url = 'index.php?do=recherche&seek='.$seek;
$start = isset($_GET['start']) ? $_GET['start'] : 0;
$limit = 10;
$recherche = strtolower($seek);
$mots = str_replace('+', ' ', trim($recherche));
$mots = str_replace('\'', ' ', $mots);
$mots = str_replace('%', ' ', $mots);
$mots = str_replace(',', ' ', $mots);
$mots = str_replace(':', ' ', $mots);
$tab = explode(' ' , $mots);
$nb = count($tab);
$criteriacompo = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('id',0,'='),'OR');
for($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++)
if(strlen($tab[$i]) >= $CONFIG['search_minlength'])
$criteriacompo->add(new Criteria('name',"%".$tab[$i]."%",'LIKE'),'OR');
$criteriacompo->add(new Criteria('description',"%".$tab[$i]."%",'LIKE'),'OR');
$criteriacompo2 = new CriteriaCompo($criteriacompo,'AND');
$criteriacompo2->add(new Criteria('state',4,'='),'AND');
$total_items = $lm->getCount($criteriacompo2);
// Cols to be selected
$cols = array('id', 'name', 'url', 'description', 'pr', 'category', 'image', 'hits','vote');
// retrieving objects
$links =& $lm->getObjects($criteriacompo2,$cols);
$total_keywords = $km->getCount();
$hasresults = count($links) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
if(count($links) > 0)
affichage_liens($links, $CONFIG['url_rewriting'], 1);
// No results
$pagenav = new PageNav($total_items, $limit, $start, $my_url);
if($total_keywords <= $CONFIG['max_keywords'] || $CONFIG['max_keywords'] == 0)
$criteria = new Criteria('word',$recherche,'=');
$cols = array('occurence');
$keywords =& $km->getObjects($criteria,$cols);
if(count($keywords) > 0 && !isset($_COOKIE[$recherche]))
$attributes = array('occurence' => $keywords[0]->getVar('occurence')+1, 'date' => date("Y-m-d"), 'hasresults' => $hasresults);
$km->update($criteria, $attributes);
else if(count($keywords) == 0)
$keyword = $km->create(true);
$keyword->setVars(array('id' => '', 'word' => $recherche, 'occurence' => 1, 'date' => date("Y-m-d"), 'hasresults' => $hasresults));
// Count only one search per word per day per user
setcookie($recherche,'1', time()+3600*24);
else if (!isset($_POST["seek"]))
$directory =& MyDirectory::getInstance();