Hi, is the cPanel proxy script allowed in x10hosting accounts?
The script is below incase you need it, will i get suspended if i put it on?
Purpose: Give access to cPanel (including webmail and WHM) at port 80 by
acting like a proxy. (For people behind strict firewalls)
This can be installed by server owner, reseller or end-users.
The script is below incase you need it, will i get suspended if i put it on?
/* cPanel Proxy 0.4.1
* http://cpanelproxy.net/
* See README.txt
//// Config
$version = '0.4.1'; // Please don't change this one. :)
// Last part of hostnames (see install instructions)
// Autodetect by removing first element of current hostname
$hostpostfix = preg_replace('/^.*?\./', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
// First parts of hostnames
$webmailhost = 'webmail.'.$hostpostfix;
$cpanelhost = 'cpanel.'.$hostpostfix;
$whmhost = 'whm.'.$hostpostfix;
// If server is running in CGI-mode HTTP Authentification won't work. If
// $cgimode is "true", cPanel Proxy will hide HTTP Authentification, forcing
// cPanel to fall back on Cookie Authentification.
// This means that cPanel Proxy is no longer transparent to the user, as the
// login-screen will look different than usual.
// Defaults to "true" as it will always works, autodetection may be added
// later.
$cgimode = true;
// The host where cPanel is running. I strongly suggest having this script on
// the same server as cPanel, and leaving this setting at default "localhost".
$host = 'localhost';
// I'm honestly not sure if \r\n or \n is most correct, but in this case it
// just needs to work.
$nl = "\r\n";
//// End of config
if ($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]=='cPanelProxyVersion') {
echo '<p><a href="http://cpanelproxy.net/">cPanel Proxy</a> '
function error($header, $string) {
echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<h1>Error: '.$header.'</h1>
<hr />
<div style="font-size: 0.8em;"><a href="http://cpanelproxy.net/">'
.'cPanel Proxy '.$version.'</a></div>
switch($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
case $webmailhost:
$port = 2095;
case $cpanelhost:
$port = 2082;
case $whmhost:
$port = 2086;
'Hostname not recognized','<p>Server is misconfigured or you have '
.'entered a wrong address. You can try these in stead:</p>
<tr><td>Webmail: </td><td><a href="http://'.$webmailhost.'/">http://'
<tr><td>cPanel: </td><td><a href="http://'.$cpanelhost.'/">http://'
<tr><td>WHM: </td><td><a href="http://'.$whmhost.'/">http://'.$whmhost
//// Get headers from browser
// "/webmail" is replaced with "/webmail_" in the url, so the server won't
// redirect browsers using this proxy for webmail.
// The protocol is hardcoded to HTTP 1.0. Then we don't have to worry about
// chunked transfers, as 1.1 forces you to.
$frombrowser = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']." "
.str_replace('/webmail_', '/webmail',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])." "
foreach($_SERVER as $a=>$b) {
if ($a == 'HTTP_HOST') $b = "$host:$port";
if ($a == 'HTTP_CONNECTION') $b = "Close"; // FIXME: Maybe a persitent socket could be good for performance. Do we need to make sure only the same browser reuses a socket, or is persistent sockets as stateless as usual?
if (substr($a,0,5)=='HTTP_') {
$frombrowser .= substr($a,5)
.': '. $b.$nl;
// That was the regular headers. Now we need to re-generate the headers that
// was parsed and thrown away before this script gets a chance to see them.
// First authentication.
if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])
$frombrowser .= "Authorization: Basic "
if (strlen(@$_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])) {
$frombrowser .= "Content-Type: ".$_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'].$nl;
// End of browsers headers (for now).
case 'HEAD':
case 'GET':
// We're done, signalling this with an extra newline.
$frombrowser .= $nl;
case 'POST':
// We probably have a body, we need to include this.
$input = fopen('php://input','r');
$frombrowser_body = '';
if (strpos(@$_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'], 'multipart/form-data')===false) {
// Not multipart/form-data, sending body directly from browser
// First we get the entire post body.
while (true) {
$data = fread($input, 10240); // FIXME: Can we optimize here with another buffer-size?
if (strlen($data)===0) break;
$frombrowser_body .= $data;
} else {
// multipart/form-data
$boundary = '--------'.md5(time()); // FIXME: Do we need a better algorithm to generate boundary string?
$frombrowser .= "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="
foreach($_POST as $name=>$data) {
$frombrowser_body .= '--'.$boundary.$nl
.'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="'.$name.'"'.$nl
.$nl.$data.$nl; // FIXME: If $data is an array, handle that correctly.
foreach($_FILES as $name=>$data) {
if (!is_uploaded_file($data['tmp_name'])) continue;
$frombrowser_body .= '--'.$boundary.$nl
.'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="'.$name.'";'
.' filename="'.$data['name'].'"'.$nl; // FIXME: Do we need some kind of encoding here? What if the filename (or the name) has characters like double-quote, colon, semicolon, \n or \r?
// (Uploading a file with double-quote in filename with Mozilla thru this script fails, I have not done any further testing yet.)
$frombrowser_body .= 'Content-Type: '.$data['type'].$nl
$frombrowser_body .= '--'.$boundary.$nl;
// Okay, now we can finish the headers and attach the body.
$frombrowser .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($frombrowser_body).$nl
'Method not implemented',
'<p>Method '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'].' not supported in cPanel '
.'Proxy, sorry.</p>'
// Time to contact server and send request
$server = fsockopen($host, $port);
fputs($server, $frombrowser);
// Get server headers
if ($cgimode) {
$firstline = fgets($server, 10240);
$array = explode(' ', $firstline);
$status = (int)$array[1];
if ($status==401) {
// Authentication needed, but HTTP authentication doesn't work in CGI-mode.
header('Status: 200');
} else {
while (true) {
$data = fgets($server, 10240); // FIXME: Can we optimize here with another buffer-size?
if (strlen(trim($data))==0) break;
// Fix hostname in redirects, cookies...
$data = str_replace(
array('localhost:2095', 'localhost:2082', 'localhost:2086'),
array($webmailhost, $cpanelhost, $whmhost),
if (substr($data, 0, 11) == 'Set-Cookie:') {
$data = str_replace(
'; domain=localhost',
'; domain='.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
header($data, false);
// Get server body
$data = '';
while (true) {
$line = fgets($server, 10240); // FIXME: Can we optimize here with another buffer-size?
if (strlen($line)===0) break;
// A line will never be completely empty, as it will end with a "newline".
// So if we get a completely empty line, there's no more data.
if ($cgimode) {
// Let's hide that ugly message. It's not the browser that doesn't support
// HTTP-Auth, it's CGI...
$line = str_replace('If your browser does not support HTTP '
.'Authentication, please use this form:','',$line);
// Fix hostname
$line = str_replace(
array('localhost:2095', 'localhost:2082', 'localhost:2086'),
array($webmailhost, $cpanelhost, $whmhost),
$data .= preg_replace('_(\'|"|=)/webmail_', '$1/webmail_', $line);
// This has heavy influence on chunk-size (for HTTP/1.1 to browser)
if (strlen($data)>10240) { // FIXME: Can we optimize here with another buffer-size?
echo $data;
$data = '';
// $data is probably not empty.
echo $data;