Okay, i'm new to this type of hosting service and webpage publishing altogether. I do have a history of some webpage buildings and i was wondering. Do any of you guys/girls have any kool web page tips to help me "pimp" out my bands' website?...[i.e. kool flash objects, widgets, awesome backgrounds, the whole nine yards, etc.] My band decided on going with a dark theme. So far i have for the basic colors, black for the background, blue for the outline glow of our band logo, and white for the text. Also which might help me a bit, I do use dreamweaver CS3, along with the entire CS3 suite [Adobe Master Collection CS3], and I have been wanting to make a website through the new but crappy power of Microsoft Office Word 2007. I heard it wasent too bad and I kinda like it. It's not nearly as awesome as Dreamweaver and FrontPage, but its okay, I get what I want out of it and I would like to solve my problem of getting widgets or even straight HTML coding to work on my MS Word '07 site. If anyone can help me and my band to help us rock online [besides the power of Xbox Live] That would be great. Thanks
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