Thank you for that information ANNA, right now I am currently using a simple PHP script to Print a section of my SQL, multiple PHP files, for testing purposes, and now have it working perfectly, however before I goto Distribution of my app, I will be sure to get a premium account to have such feature to connect remotely. So I can have my php files housed in my iPhone app, similar to as what i did with (MAMP)
**as you can see I am working on a sport app**
IPhone code:
NSURL *awayshotfinalurl = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSString *awayshotfinalstring = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:awayshotfinalurl encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error:nil];
ashFINAL.text = awayshotfinalstring;
I have also created a JSON script and used the JSON Touch De Serializer scripts to decode my JSON code, which connects to my database, this outputs the information is a really nice friendly TableView Controller. I will post that code later in another topic
all in all, signed up to this site last night, got stuck, now I solved my #1 issue, and everything seems promising, give me another week or two, and I should be ready to start deploying out some applications i have been working on these past few months, finally!!