Could you possibly elaborate this further? (this is crossfire after all

Well, I can certainly do what I can (I'm also for them, long as they're creative), if only because I've noticed something over the past few years - we need to define some things so everyone's on the same playing field.
We need to define what one means by OS Blog Theme - do you mean has a similar look and feel to a popular OS, be that Linux or Windows, or do you mean it has a clock in one corner, a bar at the bottom, and a button at one side that opens a popup menu with more choices.
Cause the first one I can see - it's hard to be creative when you're essentially cloning an OS graphic for graphic.
The second? Seriously. One look at WinCustomize shows it isn't hard at all to get creative if all you're restricted to are a clock, a button, and a bar: isn't hardly close to: isn't hardly close to: doesn't have much in common with:
There's a lot of freedom depending on what you define as OS Blog Theme. Frankly I like the idea of it looking similar to an OS, as long as it's not overkill - I use Inanis Glass on my wordpress blog, and I quite like it. Close enough to vista to say it's a clone, but I quite like some of the other color schemes it comes with, so meh.
Given enough time I bet I could make something awesome if all I was required to stick with was a "start" button, a bar, and a clock ('cept for me sucking so bad at CSS, so it'd take me a while). Now, if I'm supposed to make it look like, say, Vista, then there's not much room for creativity at all - I can't play around with the colors, or how buttons look, or anything.
But a button, a bar, and a clock? That could be expanded on.