Is it possible to have 5 my sub-domains added to my account?? Thank You
B binodc New Member Messages 11 Reaction score 0 Points 1 Mar 14, 2011 #1 Is it possible to have 5 my sub-domains added to my account?? Thank You
Anna I am just me Staff member Messages 11,768 Reaction score 590 Points 113 Mar 14, 2011 #2 Only way to get additional subdomains is upgrading to any of the paid options, prime and illuminated give you a little more then you have now, premium hosting give you unlimited. You can compare the plans here: (Prime give you the same as Illuminated regarding domains but may differ a little on other parts) Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
Only way to get additional subdomains is upgrading to any of the paid options, prime and illuminated give you a little more then you have now, premium hosting give you unlimited. You can compare the plans here: (Prime give you the same as Illuminated regarding domains but may differ a little on other parts)