Bump...? I tried adding int.boru.x10hosting.com as a MYSQL host, but it's not working. I have the databases and their respective users, but they're back at 0.0 mb each, again. Is there anything I can do on my end to fix the problem? Thanks in advance. Also, what's with the "1333.16 / 1024 MB" quota? It's really creeping me out, especially since I have no access to my stats and a lot of features I had before. I'm trying to repair the databases, but no luck.
Edited: I don't know how or why, but my stats are finally back to normal.

However, it's still glitching in disk usage quota and stuff like e-mail accounts, etc. Still missing some software/services like softaculous, etc.
Edited 2: * It looks as if my site is working fine now. However, my CPanel information is glitching. It's showing fatal errors and wrong stats. My account panel, on the other hand, is fine. Is there a fix for this? Thanks in advance!
Edited 3: ** Looks like I lost some data. The terms of use for my site has been reverted back to a previous version and I lost some stats and updates I did on the Joomla portal.
Edited 4: *** MYSQL is facing some problems as well. I lost access to a part of the Joomla page for some time. Glitch still persists for now.
* Details saved
* From now, you can assign a category to a rule and sort your rules by category. But at the moment, the old rules is not assigned to any category.
* Error Loading ModulesMySQL server has gone away SQL=SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, control, params FROM jos_modules AS m LEFT JOIN jos_modules_menu AS mm ON mm.moduleid = m.id WHERE m.published = 1 AND m.access <= 2 AND m.client_id = 1 ORDER BY position, ordering
Edited 5: Can anyone please fix the glitch? MYSQL is not functioning.
~ Paint.