Granted, but the opposition party bogs the elections down fighting over dimpled and hanging chads resulting in even worse chaos and voter fraud in the next election and tarnishing the image of your democracy for years to come.
I wish I could have sex with 100 all natural (that means they were born women), legal aged but under 30, disease and deformity free, beautiful human women who don't have jealous husband or boyfriends (I think I can live with anything else that could go wrong with this wish).
Granted, except she been using you for your money, and decided to divorce you taking your house, your car, your tv, all your money, and your computer... lol
I wish someone would donate me some credits lol (I could use some... I want a domain)
You get the credits but then you lose it to a hacker and you were the laughing stock of the forums.
I wish not to have $1,000,000,000,000,
as well as to have a piece of the pie!