If you really wanna upgrade I'd suggest you get somethin other then FP, cause its byfar the worst program I've ever used, I'd suggest Dreamweaver or GoLive
If you really wanna upgrade I'd suggest you get somethin other then FP, cause its byfar the worst program I've ever used, I'd suggest Dreamweaver or GoLive
I used the first time I went for HTML Frontpage, but then I looked for others and then I thought the FP didnt have many options... now I use Notepad 2 (like Notepad, but its better to work with PHP) or DreamWeaver, another option less expensive is CoffeCup HTML Editor...
At first i liked FP but now im used to Dreamweaver!!! It is easy to get around Dreamweaver by just testing what that function does... I do not need to go to class to learn dreamweaver since i am mastering it slowing by slowly...