Lets start this over...You people don't even know how to play a simple game or even post for that matter. New rules.
1. Ignore any post that does not contain the next number.
2. If you decide to post. Post the next number and then a phrase after it.
3. If you type in 365 it should be in sequence. I don't mean counting it all out yourself.
4. Typing in 365 does not mean you win.
5. If you type in 365 and say you win anyways, you are a fail and will be ignored.

6. There will be trolls of this!
7. The only prize is well...nothing. You cannot win at this game. It will simply start over or stop as in being closed or died off.
8. Do not double post unless it has been 24 hours. The first guy quad posted 1 minute apart from each.
1 - hmmph a new start, wonder who will be the first to mess it up?